Leading AI companies have unveiled safety policies in response to a request from the UK Technology Secretary


  • Leading AI firms unveil safety policies to enhance transparency.
  • UK Government presents emerging safety protocols for AI companies.
  • Recommendations include responsible capability scaling and third-party risk assessments.
  • International support for government-backed AI safety institute.
  • The AI Safety Summit focuses on managing risks from advanced AI.
  • Emerging safety practices aim to inspire responsible AI development.

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Leading AI companies have recently unveiled their safety policies in response to a request from the Technology Secretary issued last month. This strategic move aims to enhance transparency and foster the sharing of best practices within the AI community. These developments coincide with the UK Government’s revelation of emerging safety protocols for AI enterprises, with the intention of guiding discussions at the upcoming Bletchley Park event.

The government’s paper outlines a series of recommended practices for AI firms, including the implementation of responsible capability scaling. This innovative framework focuses on managing the risks associated with cutting-edge AI technology. It requires AI companies to proactively identify and monitor potential risks, establish communication channels for notifying relevant parties, and set thresholds for when development work should be temporarily halted to implement enhanced safety measures.

Additionally, the government suggests that AI developers engage third-party experts to attempt system hacking to identify vulnerabilities and potential harmful consequences. Furthermore, they encourage disclosing whether content has been generated or modified by AI. These emerging safety practices emphasize the critical role of innovation in the AI sector. The UK Government underscores the importance of comprehending the risks inherent in frontier AI development to fully harness the economic and societal benefits it offers.

Notably, the Prime Minister recently announced the establishment of the world’s first AI Safety Institute. This institution will play a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of AI safety and rigorously evaluating new AI models. It aims to collaborate with international partners, policymakers, private enterprises, academia, and civil society to drive AI safety research forward. Today’s announcement by leading frontier AI companies initiates the dialogue surrounding safety policies, which the AI Safety Institute will further develop through its research, evaluation, and information-sharing initiatives, in collaboration with the government’s AI Policy team.

New research findings reveal strong international support for a government-backed AI safety institute to evaluate the safety of powerful AI systems, with 62% of surveyed Britons endorsing the idea. This sentiment is echoed in other countries, including Canada, France, Japan, the UK, and the USA, where a majority of respondents agree that independent experts should assess powerful AI systems. When asked about who they trust to oversee AI safety, an AI safety institute emerged as the preferred choice in seven out of nine surveyed countries.

Today’s paper outlines processes and practices that some frontier AI organizations are already implementing, while others are under consideration within academia and broader civil society. It is essential to note that certain practices, such as responsible capability scaling, are tailored specifically for frontier AI and may not be suitable for lower capability or non-frontier AI systems.

Technology Secretary Michelle Donelan emphasized that these initial efforts mark the beginning of an ongoing conversation. As technology evolves, these processes and practices will evolve with it to effectively manage the risks and capitalize on AI’s vast potential. Openness and transparency play a crucial role in building public trust in AI models, facilitating their widespread adoption, and benefiting society at large.

Furthermore, today’s paper highlights the longstanding technical challenges associated with building safe AI systems, including safety evaluations and decision-making processes. As frontier AI continues to progress rapidly, there is a growing concern that these advanced models may exceed human comprehension and control, underscoring the need for robust safety measures.

While recognizing the significant opportunities that AI can unlock across the economy and society, the UK Government emphasizes the importance of establishing appropriate safeguards to mitigate potential risks. The AI Safety Summit will focus on strategies for managing risks related to frontier AI, including misuse, loss of control, and societal harms. Frontier AI organizations are expected to play a crucial role in addressing these risks and promoting the safe development and deployment of advanced AI systems.

Frontier AI Taskforce Chair Ian Hogarth stressed the deliberate focus on frontier AI at the upcoming summit, as these models possess the highest capabilities and, consequently, greater risks. While frontier AI presents opportunities, it also introduces heightened risks. Increased transparency in safety policies represents the initial step toward ensuring the responsible development and deployment of these systems.

Over the past few months, the UK Government’s Frontier AI Taskforce has assembled experts from various fields within the AI ecosystem to provide insights into the risks and opportunities associated with AI. The Prime Minister hailed this initiative as a significant success.

Today’s publication of emerging safety practices aims to assist frontier AI companies in establishing effective safety policies. Adam Leon Smith, of BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT, and Chair of its Fellows Technical Advisory Group (F-TAG), commended these adaptable processes and practices, emphasizing their contribution to advancing the industry. While addressing safety concerns in advanced AI systems presents unique challenges, it is essential to anticipate and address potential risks.

The processes outlined in the paper can serve as a source of inspiration and best practices for managing the risks posed by many AI systems already in the market. As the UK hosts the AI Safety Summit, the government is committed to making the necessary decisions for a brighter future driven by AI advancements, ensuring a prosperous legacy for the next generation.


The publication of safety policies by leading frontier AI companies and the establishment of the AI Safety Institute mark significant steps toward responsible AI innovation. These initiatives will foster transparency, enhance public trust, and ensure the safe development and deployment of advanced AI systems, ultimately shaping a more secure and prosperous AI market.
