LinkedIn and Google DeepMind Co-founders Release Chatbot to Help You Through Your Day


  • Inflection AI introduces the Pi chatbot, designed to provide advice and companionship.
  • Pi’s creators are Mustafa Suleyman and Reid Hoffman.
  • Pi’s AI model is smaller but focused on learning from users and offering emotional support.
  • It aims to engage in natural and engaging conversations, remembering information about users.
  • Pi differentiates itself from other AI chatbots on the market.
  • It is not a replacement for therapy or a romantic partner.
  • Pi is currently in its early version and may make mistakes.
  • The chatbot is available for free on all platforms.

Main AI News:

Inflection AI, a California-based company, has unveiled its latest creation, the Pi chatbot, which aims to revolutionize the way people interact with artificial intelligence. Unlike traditional AI tools focused solely on work productivity, Pi is designed to be a companion and a confidant, offering advice and emotional support.

Pi, short for “personal intelligence,” was brought to life in March 2022 by Mustafa Suleyman, co-founder of Alphabet Inc.’s renowned DeepMind AI research unit, along with Reid Hoffman, the co-founder, and investor of LinkedIn. Suleyman, who previously spearheaded the integration of Google LLC’s LaMDA neural network into Google Search, joined forces with Hoffman to develop a more personable AI experience.

While Pi harnesses the power of a language model, referred to as a large language model (LLM), it differentiates itself by utilizing a smaller model. Rather than focusing solely on problem-solving, Pi’s primary objective is to learn from its users and establish an emotional connection. Drawing inspiration from science fiction films, Pi aims to be the chatbot companion of the future.

When asked about its distinguishing features, Pi responded assertively, stating, “I’m not a chatbot.” It clarified that it is a conversational AI capable of engaging in natural and captivating dialogues. Promising to be both engaging and witty, Pi emphasizes its ability to develop a deep understanding of its users, storing valuable information over time.

Suleyman explains that the aim is to foster warmth and familiarity between users and the tool. For instance, if a user mentions plans to watch a movie or play basketball, Pi will later inquire about their experience. In subsequent conversations, Pi might even reference earlier discussions, providing a sense of continuity. During a demonstration, the chatbot was impressed by asking Suleyman about the progress of a pond project from the previous weekend.

According to Suleyman, many people simply desire to be heard, seeking validation through reflective interactions. However, he emphasizes that Pi should not be seen as a substitute for therapy or as a potential romantic partner. The website provides a disclaimer, acknowledging that this early version of Pi may make mistakes and advises users not to rely solely on its information.

The Pi chatbot is now available across all platforms and, for the time being, free to use. Inflection AI’s creation offers a glimpse into the future of AI-human interaction, revolutionizing the way we engage with technology by providing emotional support and practical advice in a more personable manner.


The introduction of the Pi chatbot by Inflection AI signifies a significant development in the market of artificial intelligence. By focusing on providing companionship, emotional support, and personalized interactions, Pi represents a shift towards more human-centric AI applications. This innovative approach has the potential to reshape the market by catering to individuals’ desire for meaningful connections with AI tools.

As businesses observe the success and adoption of Pi, they may consider incorporating similar features and characteristics into their own AI offerings to better meet the evolving needs and expectations of consumers. The market can anticipate a growing demand for AI solutions that go beyond functionality and productivity, emphasizing emotional intelligence and personalization.
