LLNL Researchers Leverage Machine Learning to Unravel Water Structure in Carbon Nanotubes


  • LLNL scientists combine molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning to explore water structure in carbon nanotubes (CNTs).
  • Narrower CNT diameters impact water structure in a complex and nonlinear fashion.
  • Hydrogen bonding of confined water in nanopores differs from bulk liquid.
  • Machine learning interatomic potential enables simulations beyond conventional first-principles approaches.
  • Understanding confined water has significant implications for energy, desalination, and nanofluidic technologies.

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In a groundbreaking endeavor, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) scientists have harnessed the power of large-scale molecular dynamics simulations and machine learning interatomic potentials to delve into the intricacies of hydrogen bonding in water confined within carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Their findings, published on the cover of The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, shed light on how the diameter of the CNTs plays a pivotal role in shaping the water’s structure in a highly complex and nonlinear manner.

Confined water within nanopores exhibits distinct properties compared to bulk liquid, making it a compelling subject for investigation. The team of researchers took on this challenge by meticulously computing and comparing the infrared (IR) spectrum of confined water with experimental data to uncover the confinement effects.

This work presents a versatile platform for simulating water in CNTs with unparalleled quantum accuracy, surpassing the capabilities of conventional first-principles approaches,” stated LLNL scientist Marcos Calegari Andrade, the lead author of the paper.

CNTs offer an ideal model system for comprehending confinement effects among various nanoporous systems.

Understanding hydrogen bonding in nano-pores is not only crucial for bridging knowledge gaps in the structure and dynamics of confined water but also holds the potential to propel a wide array of technological applications, ranging from energy storage and conversion to ion-selective membranes for water desalination,” emphasized Anh Pham, a co-author of the research.

To grasp the intricacies of water’s hydrogen bonding within single-walled CNTs, the team developed and applied a neural network interatomic potential. This innovative approach enabled efficient examinations of confined water for diverse CNT diameters, operating at time and length scales that were previously unattainable with conventional first-principles methods, while maintaining computational accuracy.

Employing molecular dynamics simulations, the researchers predicted IR spectra of confined water at room temperature, carefully comparing the results with existing experimental measurements to decipher the confinement’s impact on hydrogen bonding. The simulations revealed that within CNTs with approximately 1.2 nanometers diameter, water experiences an order-disorder transition. For wider CNTs, confinement introduces disruptive effects on the hydrogen-bond network, leading to an elevated number of broken hydrogen bonds and a more disordered water structure compared to the bulk liquid.

In the case of narrower CNTs, especially those with diameters smaller than 1.2 nm, we uncovered previously unreported aspects of confined water. Unlike the monotonous behavior observed in wide CNTs, simulations employing the machine learning potential demonstrate that confinement influences water structure in an immensely intricate and nonlinear fashion within these narrow CNT pores,” elaborated Calegari Andrade.

The research received funding from the Center for Enhanced Nanofluidic Transport, an Energy Frontier Research Center supported by the Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences, and the LLNL Grand Challenge Program. With the advent of machine learning-augmented simulations, LLNL researchers are forging new frontiers in understanding water behavior in nanoscale environments, ushering in a new era of scientific discovery with profound implications for cutting-edge technologies and beyond.


LLNL’s innovative approach, combining machine learning and molecular dynamics simulations, has provided remarkable insights into the behavior of water confined in carbon nanotubes. The findings not only advance our understanding of hydrogen bonding in nano-pores but also hold great promise for revolutionizing energy storage, conversion, water desalination, and nanofluidic transport technologies. Businesses and industries operating in these domains should closely monitor these developments, as they may open up new avenues for cutting-edge applications and market opportunities.
