McKinsey and Salesforce are collaborating to accelerate the adoption of generative AI in sales, marketing, commerce, and service


  • McKinsey and Salesforce are collaborating to accelerate the adoption of generative AI in sales, marketing, commerce, and service.
  • The partnership combines Salesforce’s CRM technologies (Einstein and Data Cloud) with McKinsey’s AI and data assets.
  • Goals include improving customer experiences, boosting sales productivity, personalizing digital marketing, and reducing call resolution times.
  • Generative AI could potentially unlock $4.4 trillion in global productivity and increase marketing spending by 5-15% and sales productivity by 3-5%.
  • 40% of enterprises plan to invest in generative AI.
  • The collaboration provides end-to-end AI solutions, aligning business strategy with AI use cases and user testing.
  • The joint team includes data scientists, architects, engineers, designers, and culture specialists.
  • Companies can achieve measurable ROI and operational simplicity through this partnership.
  • McKinsey’s previous acquisitions in the AI field complement this collaboration.

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In a strategic move that promises to reshape the business landscape, McKinsey and Salesforce have joined forces to expedite the adoption of cutting-edge generative AI solutions across the realms of sales, marketing, commerce, and service. This groundbreaking collaboration aims to seamlessly amalgamate Salesforce’s Customer Relationship Management (CRM) technologies, including the formidable Einstein and Data Cloud, with McKinsey’s proprietary AI capabilities, data models, and capacity for building excellence.

At its core, this alliance between McKinsey and Salesforce seeks to empower enterprises by harnessing structured and unstructured data, thereby enhancing the customer buying journey, amplifying sales productivity, crafting personalized digital marketing endeavors, and streamlining call resolution times.

Lareina Yee, Senior Partner at McKinsey & Company, emphasized the transformative potential of generative AI, stating, “Generative AI is a potent catalyst for growth. However, its promises must be reinforced by technology explicitly designed for expansion and the operational prowess required to fully realize its potential. By leveraging our robust partnership, we are collaborating with Salesforce to bring forth our proprietary AI assets, data models, and technological capabilities, enabling our clients to transform innovation into tangible impact—all seamlessly integrated into the Salesforce ecosystem.”

Clara Shih, CEO of Salesforce AI, highlighted the necessity of adopting an AI-first approach rooted in trust and transparency, asserting, “In today’s dynamic business environment, embracing AI is not a choice but a requisite for success. Salesforce and McKinsey are uniting forces to empower every enterprise with the strategies and technologies necessary to unlock the full potential of generative AI across their operations. This will enable personalized customer engagement, unlock new growth opportunities, and drive business expansion.”

The emergence of generative AI is poised to redefine productivity benchmarks for economies and businesses across diverse industry sectors, with particular emphasis on marketing and sales. According to recent research by McKinsey, generative AI has the potential to unleash a staggering $4.4 trillion in global productivity gains over the coming decades. Furthermore, it could drive a substantial 5-15 percent increase in total marketing spending and a 3-5 percent surge in sales productivity.

McKinsey’s research also reveals that 40 percent of enterprises are planning significant investments in generative AI. This collaboration is poised to enable these companies to achieve measurable outcomes by deploying Salesforce and McKinsey’s software, data assets, and a meticulously designed implementation methodology that emphasizes scalable generative AI solutions.

The McKinsey-Salesforce partnership introduces a comprehensive end-to-end experience that aligns a company’s strategic vision with practical AI use cases. This is followed by McKinsey’s swift solution design process, which includes a proof of concept, MVP development, and user testing to seamlessly integrate AI products with human systems for widescale deployment.

A dedicated team of data scientists, solution architects, cloud engineers, UX designers, and organizational culture specialists from both McKinsey and Salesforce will collaborate closely with client teams, ensuring a holistic approach to AI integration.

Recognizing the need for agility and simplicity, McKinsey and Salesforce offer companies the flexibility of “bring your own LLM” (Leverage, Learn, Maximize). This approach ensures that tech investments yield a measurable return on investment while providing a user-friendly platform for accessing relevant data, asking critical questions, and obtaining insightful data summaries—empowering businesses to operate more efficiently and intelligently.

The McKinsey-Salesforce partnership builds upon a history of successful collaborations aimed at accelerating digital transformations within organizations. This landmark initiative follows McKinsey’s acquisition of Salesforce Platinum Partner S4G Consulting in 2022 and integrates seamlessly with McKinsey’s recent acquisitions aimed at bolstering its AI capabilities, including QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey through Cloud provider Candid, and scaling AI and Machine Learning Operations specialist Iguazio. This formidable amalgamation positions McKinsey as the preferred partner for businesses seeking end-to-end guidance, from strategy formulation to implementation and impact realization.


The collaboration between McKinsey and Salesforce to integrate generative AI into various business functions signifies a profound shift in the market. This strategic alliance not only highlights the growing importance of AI in today’s business landscape but also offers a comprehensive solution that empowers enterprises to harness the full potential of AI for enhanced customer engagement, productivity gains, and measurable returns on investment. As the market continues to embrace generative AI, companies that leverage this partnership can position themselves for significant growth and competitive advantage.
