MultiModal-GPT: Empowering Multi-Round Dialogue with Humans through Vision and Language


  • Researchers aim to develop a flexible AI assistant capable of executing multimodal vision-and-language commands.
  • GPT-4 has shown remarkable skills in multimodal conversations, but its underlying mechanisms are still a mystery.
  • Recent studies have attempted to recreate GPT-4’s performance by matching visual representations with the language model and utilizing self-attention.
  • Models incorporating comprehensive visual information face computational challenges due to high picture token counts.
  • OpenFlamingo, a multimodal pre-trained model, is being enhanced using a large picture and text instructions database.
  • A Flamingo framework and a perceiver resampler are utilized to optimize visual information processing.
  • MultiModal-GPT is a multimodal chatbot created to bridge the performance gap and enable more human-like interactions.
  • Training data and instruction templates play a crucial role in the effectiveness of Multi-modal-GPT.
  • Certain datasets limit the model’s conversation performance, leading to brief replies.
  • Joint training with language-only and visual instructions improves MultiModal-GPT’s conversational abilities.
  • Demos are provided to demonstrate the ongoing communication capabilities of MultiModal-GPT.
  • The codebase for MultiModal-GPT is publicly available on GitHub, encouraging collaboration and further advancements.

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In the realm of artificial intelligence, researchers have long pursued the development of a flexible assistant capable of executing multimodal vision-and-language commands, mirroring human capabilities. The advent of GPT-4 has showcased remarkable progress in multimodal conversations with humans, displaying an unprecedented level of skill and adaptability.

While the impressive abilities of GPT-4 have been demonstrated, the underlying mechanisms that enable its performance remain shrouded in mystery. To unravel this enigma, recent studies such as Mini-GPT4 and LLaVA have ventured into matching visual representations with the input space of the LLM (Language Model) and leveraging the original self-attention in the LLM to process visual information. These endeavors aim to recreate GPT-4’s proficiency. However, the computational demands posed by models incorporating comprehensive or spatiotemporal visual information, due to the high number of picture tokens involved, present a significant challenge.

Addressing these challenges, researchers from Shanghai AI Laboratory, the University of Hong Kong, and Tianjin University are enhancing OpenFlamingo—a renowned multimodal pre-trained model—by harnessing the power of a large picture and text instructions database. To tackle the computational complexity associated with visual information, they utilize the Flamingo framework, which employs gated cross-attention layers for seamless image-text interactions. Additionally, a perceiver resampler effectively extracts visual information from the vision encoder, further optimizing the model’s performance.

OpenFlamingo, equipped with strong few-shot visual comprehension abilities, owes its prowess to extensive pre-training on a vast dataset of image-text pairings. However, its current limitations prevent it from engaging in multiturn image-text discussions in a zero-shot manner. To bridge this performance gap and enable more precise, human-like interactions in multimodal conversations, the researchers leverage OpenFlamingo’s core strengths.

Their creation, the MultiModal-GPT, stands as a testament to their innovative approach. During the model training process, they adopt a unified linguistic and visual instructions template, laying a solid foundation for the MultiModal-GPT’s capabilities. By meticulously curating instruction templates through language and graphical data, they unlock the true potential of this multimodal chatbot.

The researchers emphasize the crucial role of training data in determining the effectiveness of the MultiModal-GPT. Certain datasets, such as VQA v2.0, OKVQA, GQA, CLEVR, and NLVR, pose a challenge to the model’s conversation performance due to the limited response options (e.g., yes/no). In such cases, the model tends to provide brief, one- or two-word replies, which compromises user-friendliness. To mitigate this issue, linguistic data is gathered, and a common instruction template is created to enable joint training of the MultiModal-GPT. This combined approach, incorporating both language-only and visual and linguistic instructions, yields superior results and enhances the model’s conversational abilities.

To showcase the ongoing communication capabilities of MultiModal-GPT, the researchers provide a range of engaging demos. Additionally, they have made the codebase publicly available on GitHub, fostering collaboration and enabling further advancements in the field.


The advancements in multimodal AI-assisted conversations, as demonstrated by the development of MultiModal-GPT, hold significant implications for the market. The ability to seamlessly integrate vision and language in a flexible assistant opens up new avenues for businesses to enhance their customer interactions, improve user-friendliness, and deepen their understanding of customer needs.

The convergence of visual and linguistic instructions provides opportunities for innovative applications in various sectors, including customer service, virtual assistants, and interactive product experiences. By harnessing the power of multimodal communication, businesses can unlock a new level of engagement and deliver personalized, human-like interactions, ultimately driving customer satisfaction and competitive advantage in the market.
