Nasdaq’s Transformation: Leading the Charge in SaaS and AI


  • Nasdaq is undergoing a significant transformation, shifting towards becoming a global technology company.
  • CIO and CTO Brad Peterson is driving Nasdaq’s adoption of generative AI, enhancing transparency and security.
  • Gen AI is being used to identify financial crime risks and improve content creation for investors.
  • Nasdaq’s transition to SaaS is marked by a shift from software licensing to a pure SaaS model.
  • The company is well-positioned in the market, offering its technology to over 130 customers globally.
  • Nasdaq’s strategic focus includes the cloud, machine learning, AI, and blockchain.
  • Peterson’s dual role as CIO and CTO enables seamless integration of technology strategy.
  • Annualized SaaS revenues exceeded $700 million, representing a significant portion of recurring revenues.
  • Nasdaq’s expansion into security and surveillance aligns with its core mission and industry trends.
  • The company’s proactive approach to AI, while mindful of risks, reinforces market resiliency and security.
  • Generative AI is poised to impact various aspects of Nasdaq’s operations, from content creation to trading outcomes.

Main AI News:

In a strategic maneuver that signifies a bold departure from its traditional role, Nasdaq, the second-largest global stock exchange, is redefining itself as a technology powerhouse. This seismic shift is spearheaded by none other than its Chief Information Officer (CIO) and Chief Technology Officer (CTO), Brad Peterson. In an exclusive interview with in Boston, Peterson outlined Nasdaq’s ambitious plans to harness the potential of generative artificial intelligence (gen AI) and pivot towards becoming a dynamic Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) provider.

Nasdaq’s commitment to innovation through AI is unwavering. Peterson, a seasoned AI implementer with over a decade of experience, believes that AI is the key to enhancing liquidity, transparency, and integrity in the world’s economy. According to Peterson, AI has already begun transforming Nasdaq’s operations by safeguarding against market interruptions, generating novel insights for investors, and thwarting financial malfeasance.

Peterson expounds on the transformative power of generative AI, which is the next frontier in technology. Nasdaq is actively exploring various avenues to leverage this cutting-edge technology, both in its product offerings and core operations.

Gen AI is already making a significant impact within Nasdaq, supporting digital investigators in their quest to identify financial crime risks and streamlining corporate board operations through efficient data consumption. Nasdaq’s utilization of large language models (LLMs) is revolutionizing intelligence reporting for investors and corporate customers, harnessing the company’s proprietary data sets for faster and more impactful content creation.

Industry experts, such as IDC analyst Thomas Shuster, believe Nasdaq’s diversification efforts will yield substantial dividends. Nasdaq’s foray into the world of gen AI extends across its product portfolio, including Verafin, where it is exploring the technology’s potential to surveil for financial crimes and generate case files.

Nasdaq’s Evolution: From Exchanges to Technology Powerhouse

Nasdaq, often associated with the iconic symbols of American capitalism, has evolved far beyond its origins. Peterson asserts that Nasdaq is no longer just a financial exchange but a global technology company. With net revenues reaching $3.6 billion in 2022, Nasdaq derives a significant portion of its business from software sales and licensing, thanks to its state-of-the-art tech stack.

The company’s technology is highly sought after, utilized by over 130 customers spanning 50 countries. Nasdaq’s software, previously offered through licensing with support, is transitioning into a full-fledged SaaS model. Peterson likens Nasdaq to industry giants like Salesforce and Workday, as it reshapes itself into a pivotal player in the financial industry.

Nasdaq’s transition into SaaS, AI, and other cutting-edge technologies commenced in 2021, with a strong focus on the cloud, machine learning, AI, and blockchain. Amazon Web Services serves as Nasdaq’s primary cloud provider, underpinning its technological infrastructure. This forward-thinking approach empowers Nasdaq to quickly implement AI solutions that enhance market resilience, provide superior intelligence to clients, and aid in combatting financial crimes.

A Strategic Triad: Market Platforms, Capital Access Platforms, and Anti-Financial Crimes

To fortify its transformation, Nasdaq restructured into three divisions: Market Platforms, Capital Access Platforms, and Anti-Financial Crimes. Strategic acquisitions, such as Verafin and Adenza, have further fortified Nasdaq’s position as a technology leader in security, surveillance, and risk management.

Brad Peterson’s dual role as both CIO and CTO has been pivotal in aligning Nasdaq’s technology prowess with its evolving business operations. This integrated approach has allowed Nasdaq to maintain a competitive edge and stay ahead of technological trends, solidifying its status as an industry leader.

AI and Nasdaq’s Commitment to Market Resiliency

Despite the risks associated with AI, Nasdaq remains steadfast in its commitment to innovation while ensuring legal compliance and risk management. Nasdaq works closely with regulatory agencies like the SEC and FINRA, emphasizing the importance of AI in enhancing market resiliency and security.

Market surveillance, once rules-based, is now increasingly AI-driven, enabling Nasdaq to stay ahead in the constant race against potential threats. As Peterson asserts, Nasdaq’s primary concern is safeguarding capitalism from disruptive forces.

Nasdaq’s Generative AI Endeavors

Generative AI holds immense promise for Nasdaq’s future. Peterson envisions its potential impact across various sectors of the company, from co-pilot capabilities to empowering content creators and legal teams. Nasdaq is actively integrating generative AI into its operations, from dynamic order types to improving trading outcomes.

In Peterson’s words, “AI will recalculate what is the best threshold to set the life of the order,” a task beyond human capacity due to the vast number of symbols involved. Nasdaq is determined to utilize AI to enhance liquidity, achieve better fill rates, and eliminate market inefficiencies.


Nasdaq’s strategic pivot towards becoming a technology-driven global player, fueled by SaaS adoption and generative AI, signifies a significant shift in the financial market. This transformation positions Nasdaq as an industry leader, enhancing market transparency, security, and efficiency. Nasdaq’s ability to leverage cutting-edge technology trends underscores its commitment to shaping the future of global finance and maintaining its competitive edge in the evolving financial landscape.
