NVIDIA AI Research Presents OpenMathInstruct-1: Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning with a Dataset of 1.8M Problem-Solution Pairs


  • NVIDIA introduces OpenMathInstruct-1, a dataset with 1.8M problem-solution pairs to enhance mathematical reasoning in Language Learning Models (LLMs).
  • The dataset is open-source, addressing the scarcity of diverse and high-quality datasets in the field.
  • OpenMathInstruct-1 employs innovative prompting strategies with the Mixtral model for data generation, ensuring accuracy and quality.
  • Models finetuned with OpenMathInstruct-1 showcase competitive performance against gpt-distilled models across mathematical tasks.
  • Self-consistency decoding further enhances model efficacy, particularly in the MATH dataset.
  • Ablation studies emphasize the importance of fair downsampling and dataset size for model performance.

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Mathematical reasoning is fundamental for developing algorithms and models to tackle real-world challenges. However, the scarcity of diverse and high-quality datasets poses a significant challenge in creating Language Learning Models (LLMs) specialized in mathematical reasoning. Existing datasets often lack the scale required to cover the breadth of mathematical problems or are restricted by licenses unsuitable for open-source projects.

Traditionally, improving mathematical reasoning in LLMs has relied on closed-source datasets from commercial models like GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. Techniques such as Chain-of-Thought and Self-Consistency have been employed to enhance these models’ capabilities. Pretraining language models on math-heavy content has shown promise, but fine-tuning problem-solution pairs specific to mathematical reasoning datasets is crucial.

NVIDIA’s research team introduces OpenMathInstruct-1, a groundbreaking dataset comprising 1.8 million problem-solution pairs aimed at improving mathematical reasoning in LLMs. What sets this dataset apart is its open license and the utilization of Mixtral, an open-source LLM, for data generation, fostering innovation in the field.

OpenMathInstruct-1 was created using brute-force scaling and innovative prompting strategies with the Mixtral model. Solutions for benchmarks like GSM8K and MATH were synthesized using few-shot prompting, incorporating instructions, representative problems, solutions in code-interpreter format, and new questions from the training set. Solutions meeting the correct answer criteria were included in the finetuning dataset, with careful sampling techniques and post-processing to ensure quality.

Models were trained for four epochs using the AdamW optimizer and evaluated using greedy decoding and self-consistency/majority voting on benchmarks. Models finetuned on a mix of downsampled GSM8K and MATH instances showcased competitive performance against gpt-distilled models. For instance, the OpenMath-CodeLlama-70B model achieved 84.6% accuracy on GSM8K and 50.7% on MATH when finetuned with OpenMathInstruct-1.

Moreover, these models outperformed previous benchmarks like MAmmoTH and MetaMath, with performance improvements observed with increasing model parameters. Self-consistency decoding further enhanced efficacy across tasks and difficulty levels within the MATH dataset. Ablation studies emphasized the importance of fair downsampling and increasing dataset size for model performance. While code-preferential selection strategies improved greedy decoding, their impact on self-consistency decoding was mixed.


NVIDIA’s introduction of the OpenMathInstruct-1 dataset marks a significant leap in enhancing mathematical reasoning capabilities in Language Learning Models. With its open-source nature and innovative prompting strategies, this dataset not only addresses the scarcity of high-quality data but also fosters innovation in the field. Finetuned models exhibit competitive performance, suggesting a promising future for mathematical reasoning applications in various industries. Market players should take note of this advancement and consider its implications for their AI development strategies.
