Oracle Unveils Integrated Vector Database for Generative AI


  • Oracle announces AI Vector Search integration into Oracle Database 23c.
  • AI Vector Search introduces vector indexes, data types, and SQL operators.
  • Simplifies application development with enhanced semantic content storage and retrieval.
  • Supports Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) for accurate, secure natural language responses.
  • Accessible to all users, regardless of machine learning expertise.
  • Oracle Database tools, including SL Developer and APEX, are enriched with generative AI capabilities.
  • Oracle APEX accelerates AI adoption for rapid application development.
  • Market analysts see Oracle as well-positioned to lead in the Vector Search market.
  • Oracle’s reputation for enterprise-class performance strengthens market trust.

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In the dynamic realm of Generative AI, vector databases are causing quite a stir, and Oracle, a stalwart in the software and cloud computing arena, has just raised the stakes. In an exciting announcement, Oracle reveals its strategic move to incorporate AI vectors into Oracle Database 23c, introducing a game-changing suite of functionalities aptly named AI Vector Search. This groundbreaking addition encompasses vector indexes, vector data types, and vector search SQL operators, propelling Oracle’s capabilities to new heights.

Oracle Database 23c is already renowned for granting developers access to a plethora of innovative features, simplifying application development. With the advent of AI Vector Search, these capabilities are set to reach unprecedented levels of sophistication. By facilitating the storage and retrieval of semantic content, encompassing diverse data types such as images, documents, and unstructured data, Oracle empowers developers to skyrocket their productivity.

The integration of a unified vector database tailored for generative AI lays the foundation for Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), an emergent pinnacle in generative AI techniques. RAG ingeniously combines the prowess of large language models (LLM) with business data, enabling the generation of natural language responses that are not only highly accurate but also safeguard private and confidential data, such as LLM training data.

Juan Loazia, the Executive Vice President of Mission-Critical Database Technologies at Oracle, highlights the monumental significance of infusing AI vector search into Oracle Database. He emphasizes that this strategic move empowers customers to harness the full spectrum of AI’s benefits without compromising data integrity, performance, or security. Remarkably, Oracle AI Vector Search doesn’t necessitate an intricate understanding of machine learning, rendering it accessible to administrators and developers across the technical spectrum.

According to Juan Loaiza, “Searches that encompass both business and semantic data become more accessible, faster, and notably more precise when both data types are seamlessly managed within a unified database. By incorporating AI Vector Search into Oracle Database, we are paving the way for customers to effortlessly embrace the advantages of artificial intelligence without making concessions on security, data integrity, or performance. The user-friendly nature of Oracle AI Vector Search ensures that it can be mastered in under 30 minutes by all database users, including developers and administrators.”

Moreover, Oracle Database’s arsenal of tools, including SL Developer and APEX, will be elevated with generative AI capabilities. This enhancement will empower developers to craft SQL queries and applications effortlessly using natural language, circumventing the need for intricate coding. Additionally, developers will gain the ability to concoct comprehensive applications by seamlessly integrating AI Vector Search with Oracle’s existing low-code APEX development framework.

Oracle APEX (Oracle Application Express) has been a cornerstone for developers, expediting AI adoption for rapid application development. Fully integrated with Oracle Database, its capabilities will receive a substantial boost with the introduction of Vector AI Search, propelling Oracle APEX to greater heights.

According to Holger Mueller, the Vice President and Principal Analyst at Constellation Research, vector search is predominantly an Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) feature, demanding unwavering reliability, stellar performance, and scalability. Mueller asserts that Oracle, with its impeccable track record in delivering mission-critical OLTP solutions, stands poised to lead the way in this burgeoning market.

Furthermore, Oracle’s inherent ability to deliver enterprise-class performance is a key asset for the new Vector Search feature. This achievement will undoubtedly reinforce the trust and confidence of CxOs in Oracle Database. Nevertheless, Oracle has yet to divulge specifics regarding the availability and pricing details of this transformative feature.


Oracle’s introduction of AI Vector Search within Oracle Database 23c marks a significant advancement in the Generative AI landscape. This innovation streamlines application development, enhances data management and fortifies Oracle’s position as a frontrunner in the emerging Vector Search market. With its proven track record and user-friendly approach, Oracle is poised to reshape the way businesses leverage artificial intelligence, setting a new standard for the industry.
