O’Shaughnessy Ventures LLC invests in Hegel AI, an open source AI startup


  • O’Shaughnessy Ventures LLC (“OSV”) invests in Hegel AI, Inc., a startup founded in 2023.
  • Hegel AI is developing a developer platform for generative AI applications.
  • Hegel’s first platform, PromptTools, allows experimentation with prompts, models, and retrieval-augmented generation systems.
  • The startup plans to enhance prompts and models automatically through real-time monitoring and evaluation.
  • Jim O’Shaughnessy, OSV’s founder, believes in the future of open-source AI.
  • Steve Krawczyk, co-founder of Hegel AI, welcomes OSV’s investment.

Main AI News:

In a strategic move that exemplifies their commitment to nurturing innovation, O’Shaughnessy Ventures LLC (“OSV”), a distinguished family office specializing in investments within the seed and pre-seed startup landscape, has officially announced their investment in Hegel AI, Inc. (“Hegel”). Founded in the year 2023 by visionaries Steve Krawczyk and Kevin Tse, Hegel is on a mission to revolutionize the AI landscape by creating a developer platform tailored for generative AI applications. Their ultimate goal? To streamline the entire end-to-end development process for the next wave of AI applications.

Hegel’s maiden platform, PromptTools, is an innovative solution that empowers developers to dive into the realm of experimentation, tapping into the potential of prompts, finely tuned models, and retrieval-augmented generation systems. But that’s just the beginning. Hegel’s forthcoming product lineup is poised to disrupt the industry further by automating prompt and model enhancements through real-time monitoring and evaluation. For those eager to explore the possibilities, PromptTools is readily accessible through their platform.

As Jim O’Shaughnessy, the founder of OSV, emphatically states, “The future of AI lies in open source.” He believes that Hegel is at the forefront of this revolution, equipping developers with the essential tools needed to craft groundbreaking applications that span the entire spectrum of models and vector databases.

Steve Krawczyk, co-founder of Hegel, expressed his delight at welcoming OSV into their fold. He noted, “We are honored to have OSV as our partner, especially considering their track record of investments in pioneering open source, developer-centric products like Prefect and Stability AI.


O’Shaughnessy Ventures’ investment in Hegel AI underscores the growing significance of open source AI in the market. This partnership has the potential to accelerate the development of innovative AI applications and shape the future of the industry, emphasizing the importance of open source solutions for developers and businesses alike.
