Permia Sensing Secures £150K Investment to Transform Palm Plantation Management with AI

  • Permia Sensing, a London-based agritech startup from Imperial College London, secures £150,000 investment from the British Design Fund.
  • Specializes in precision farming using IoT, AI, sensors, and robotics to manage palm plantations.
  • Developed advanced sensors with 97% accuracy in detecting pests like the Red Palm Weevil.
  • Aims to enhance farming efficiency, promote sustainable practices, and reduce reliance on harmful pesticides.
  • Currently piloting solutions in Sri Lanka, expanding partnerships across tropical regions.

Main AI News:

Permia Sensing, a promising agritech startup based in London and an offshoot of Imperial College London, has successfully secured a substantial investment of £150,000 from the prestigious British Design Fund. The company specializes in cutting-edge precision farming techniques, integrating state-of-the-art technologies such as IoT, AI, sensors, and robotics to revolutionize the management of palm plantations worldwide.

One of Permia Sensing’s groundbreaking innovations includes the development of advanced sensor technologies capable of detecting pests like the Red Palm Weevil with an impressive accuracy rate of 97%. This capability is crucial for identifying and mitigating the significant threats that pests pose to agricultural productivity and sustainability.

The global significance of palm plantations in agriculture cannot be overstated, yet they face numerous challenges ranging from disease outbreaks and nutrient deficiencies to the impacts of climate change. Permia Sensing addresses these challenges head-on by enhancing farming efficiency and promoting sustainable agricultural practices. Their approach not only aims to increase crop yields but also advocates for environmentally responsible pest control methods, thereby reducing reliance on harmful chemicals.

Currently, Permia Sensing is actively piloting their innovative solutions in corporate plantations located in Sri Lanka. This strategic initiative not only serves as a testing ground for their technology but also facilitates valuable partnerships with plantation owners across tropical regions.

Efrem de Paiva, CEO of Permia Sensing, expressed his optimism about the transformative potential of their technology in global agriculture. He highlighted the critical role that palm trees play in supporting millions of farmers worldwide, providing essential income opportunities and contributing significantly to rural development by improving local infrastructure.

The recent infusion of capital from the British Design Fund marks a pivotal moment for Permia Sensing. This funding will be instrumental in scaling up their technological deployment and expanding their market presence in key agricultural regions. It underscores their steadfast commitment to advancing agricultural sustainability and empowering rural communities through innovative technological solutions.

Damon Bonser, CEO of the British Design Fund, praised Permia Sensing for their impressive technological advancements and the positive impact their solutions promise to deliver. He noted the depth of expertise within the Permia Sensing team, highlighting their collective vision to enhance farming efficiency, improve crop yields, and positively impact rural communities worldwide.


This investment underscores Permia Sensing’s innovative approach to revolutionize palm plantation management through advanced technology. Their focus on sustainability and efficiency not only addresses critical agricultural challenges but also positions them favorably in the agritech market, poised to influence global farming practices towards more sustainable and effective methods.
