ReffAKD: Pioneering Soft Label Generation for Enhanced Knowledge Distillation in Student Models

  • ReffAKD introduces a novel method for knowledge distillation in student models, leveraging autoencoders to generate high-quality soft labels.
  • The approach effectively captures essential features and class similarities without relying on large teacher models or costly crowd-sourcing.
  • A meticulously designed convolutional autoencoder forms the core of ReffAKD, facilitating the encoding of input images into hidden representations.
  • Soft labels are generated by computing cosine similarity between encoded representations of randomly selected samples from each class.
  • A tailored loss function combining Cross-Entropy loss and Kullback-Leibler Divergence is employed to train the student model.
  • ReffAKD consistently outperforms vanilla knowledge distillation across benchmark datasets like CIFAR-100, Tiny Imagenet, and Fashion MNIST.
  • The approach demonstrates remarkable resource efficiency, especially on complex datasets, while seamlessly integrating with existing knowledge distillation techniques.

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In today’s dynamic landscape of computer vision, deep neural networks, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNNs), have ushered in a new era of innovation. From image classification to object detection and segmentation, these models have continuously pushed the boundaries of accuracy and performance. However, as the models grew in complexity and size, deploying them on resource-constrained devices like embedded systems or edge platforms became increasingly arduous.

To address this challenge, researchers turned to knowledge distillation, a technique offering a pathway to train compact “student” models guided by larger “teacher” models. The fundamental concept behind knowledge distillation is to transfer the wealth of knowledge from the teacher to the student during the training process, essentially distilling the teacher’s expertise. However, traditional methods of knowledge distillation faced their own set of obstacles, notably the resource-intensive training of the teacher model.

Various strategies have been explored in the past to harness the power of soft labels, which are probability distributions over classes capturing inter-class similarities, for knowledge distillation. Some studies delved into the impact of employing extremely large teacher models, while others experimented with crowd-sourced soft labels or decoupled knowledge transfer techniques. A handful even ventured into teacher-free knowledge distillation by manually crafting regularization distributions from hard labels.

But what if there was a way to generate high-quality soft labels without relying on a large teacher model or expensive crowd-sourcing efforts? This intriguing question sparked the development of ReffAKD (Resource-efficient Autoencoder-based Knowledge Distillation), a novel approach showcased in Figure 3. In this groundbreaking study, researchers leveraged the capabilities of autoencoders – neural networks adept at learning compact data representations by reconstructing them. By harnessing these representations, they could effectively capture essential features and compute class similarities, mimicking the behavior of a teacher model without the need for its explicit training.

Unlike conventional methods that randomly generate soft labels from hard labels, ReffAKD’s autoencoder is trained to encode input images into a hidden representation that inherently encapsulates the defining characteristics of each class. This learned representation becomes attuned to the underlying features that differentiate various classes, encapsulating a wealth of information about image features and their respective classes, akin to a knowledgeable teacher’s understanding of class relationships.

At the core of ReffAKD lies a meticulously designed convolutional autoencoder (CAE). Its encoder component consists of three convolutional layers, each employing 4×4 kernels, a padding of 1, and a stride of 2. These layers progressively increase the number of filters from 12 to 24 and finally to 48. The bottleneck layer produces a compact feature vector whose dimensionality varies based on the dataset. For instance, it is 768 for CIFAR-100, 3072 for Tiny Imagenet, and 48 for Fashion MNIST. The decoder component mirrors the architecture of the encoder, reconstructing the original input from this compressed representation.

But how does this autoencoder facilitate knowledge distillation? During training, the autoencoder learns to encode input images into a hidden representation that implicitly captures the defining characteristics of each class. In essence, this representation becomes finely attuned to the underlying features that distinguish different classes.

To generate soft labels, the researchers randomly select 40 samples from each class and compute the cosine similarity between their encoded representations. These similarity scores populate a matrix, where each row represents a class, and each column corresponds to its similarity with other classes. After averaging and applying softmax, a soft probability distribution reflecting inter-class relationships is obtained.

In training the student model, researchers employ a tailored loss function that amalgamates Cross-Entropy loss with Kullback-Leibler Divergence between the student’s outputs and the soft labels generated by the autoencoder. This approach incentivizes the student to not only learn the ground truth but also to grasp the intricate class similarities embedded in the soft labels.

ReffAKD’s performance was rigorously evaluated across three benchmark datasets: CIFAR-100, Tiny Imagenet, and Fashion MNIST. Across these diverse tasks, the approach consistently outperformed vanilla knowledge distillation, achieving a top-1 accuracy of 77.97% on CIFAR-100 (compared to 77.57% for vanilla KD) and 63.67% on Tiny Imagenet (versus 63.62%). Notably, impressive results were attained on the simpler Fashion MNIST dataset, as depicted in Figure 5. Moreover, ReffAKD’s resource efficiency is particularly evident on complex datasets like Tiny Imagenet, where it consumes significantly fewer resources than vanilla KD while delivering superior performance. Furthermore, ReffAKD seamlessly integrates with existing logit-based knowledge distillation techniques, paving the way for additional performance enhancements through hybridization.

While ReffAKD has showcased its prowess in the realm of computer vision, researchers foresee its applicability extending to other domains, such as natural language processing. Imagine employing a compact RNN-based autoencoder to derive sentence embeddings and distill models like TinyBERT or other BERT variants for text classification tasks. Additionally, researchers believe that their approach could offer direct supervision to larger models, potentially unlocking further performance improvements without relying on pre-trained teacher models.


The emergence of ReffAKD represents a significant advancement in the field of knowledge distillation, offering a resource-efficient solution for training compact student models. Its ability to outperform traditional methods while consuming fewer resources holds promising implications for industries reliant on machine learning models deployed on resource-constrained devices. As the demand for efficient and high-performing AI solutions continues to grow, ReffAKD stands poised to make a considerable impact on the market by enabling the widespread deployment of sophisticated AI applications.
