Researchers at Monash University develop a co-training AI algorithm for medical imaging that emulates seeking a second opinion


  • Researchers at Monash University develop a co-training AI algorithm for medical imaging that emulates seeking a second opinion.
  • The algorithm uses adversarial learning to address the limited availability of labeled medical images.
  • This innovation will advance medical image analysis for radiologists and health experts.
  • The AI system mimics radiologists’ labeling and evaluates the quality of AI-generated scans.
  • The approach reduces reliance on subjective human annotations, saving time and improving accuracy.
  • The algorithm outperforms previous methods in semi-supervised learning, even with limited labeled data.
  • It enables AI models to make better-informed decisions, leading to more accurate diagnoses and treatment choices.
  • The next phase aims to expand the application to different medical image types and create a user-friendly product for radiologists.

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Researchers at Monash University have achieved a remarkable breakthrough in the field of medical imaging with their cutting-edge co-training AI algorithm that emulates the process of obtaining a second opinion. The research, recently featured in the prestigious Nature Machine Intelligence journal, addresses the scarcity of human-annotated medical images by adopting a revolutionary adversarial learning approach against unlabelled data.

Hailing from the esteemed faculties of Engineering and IT at Monash University, this groundbreaking research is set to redefine medical image analysis for radiologists and health experts alike. Spearheading this innovative endeavor is PhD candidate Himashi Peiris, who masterminded a novel “dual-view” AI system.

Ms. Peiris elaborated, “Our AI system operates in two parts. The first part mimics how radiologists meticulously label medical images, while the second part critically evaluates the AI-generated labeled scans by benchmarking them against the limited annotations provided by human experts.”

The traditional method of manually annotating medical scans by hand has long been a bottleneck, burdened by subjectivity, time consumption, errors, and prolonged waiting periods for patients in need of timely treatments. Large-scale annotated medical image datasets are a rarity, demanding substantial effort, time, and expertise to annotate numerous images manually.

However, the Monash researchers’ algorithm is a game-changer, allowing multiple AI models to leverage the advantages of both labeled and unlabeled data, facilitating mutual learning and drastically enhancing overall accuracy.

Ms. Peiris expressed their outstanding results, stating, “Across three publicly accessible medical datasets, employing a 10 per cent labeled data setting, we achieved an average improvement of 3 per cent compared to the most recent state-of-the-art approach under identical conditions. Our algorithm has surpassed previous state-of-the-art methods in semi-supervised learning, demonstrating remarkable performance even with limited annotations, unlike algorithms reliant on vast volumes of annotated data. This empowers AI models to make well-informed decisions, validate initial assessments, and unlock more precise diagnoses and treatment decisions.”

Excitingly, the researchers plan to expand the algorithm’s applications to diverse medical image types and develop a dedicated end-to-end product tailor-made for radiologists, easing their workflow and elevating the standard of patient care.


The breakthrough AI algorithm developed by Monash University researchers holds significant implications for the medical imaging market. By effectively mimicking the second opinion process, this innovation enhances the capabilities of AI systems in analyzing medical images. Radiologists and health experts can benefit from improved accuracy and reduced reliance on manual annotations, leading to faster and more precise diagnoses. As the algorithm continues to evolve, it has the potential to reshape the medical imaging landscape, opening up new opportunities for AI-assisted diagnostics and treatment decision-making. Companies in the healthcare industry should closely monitor and invest in such advancements to stay competitive and provide cutting-edge solutions to medical professionals.
