Researchers combine machine learning and quantum-classical computational molecular design to accelerate the discovery of efficient OLED emitters


  • Researchers combine machine learning and quantum-classical computational molecular design to accelerate the discovery of efficient OLED emitters.
  • Deuterated OLED emitters, replacing hydrogen with deuterium atoms, show great potential but pose computational challenges in their design.
  • A novel workflow involving classical and quantum computers streamlines the optimization process.
  • Quantum chemistry calculations and machine learning models predict quantum efficiencies of deuterated Alq3 molecules.
  • Quantum optimization algorithms aid in discovering molecules with optimal quantum efficiencies.
  • A noise-robust technique enhances prediction accuracy on quantum devices.
  • The integration of quantum chemistry, machine learning, and quantum optimization opens up new opportunities for material informatics.

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In recent years, the realm of organic luminescent materials has captivated the attention of both academia and industry, holding tremendous promise for the development of light, flexible, and versatile optoelectronic devices, including OLED displays. However, one significant hurdle remains: the search for highly efficient materials that possess the desired properties.

Tackling this challenge head-on, a collaborative research team has devised a groundbreaking methodology that seamlessly integrates a machine learning model with a quantum-classical computational molecular design. This innovative approach aims to revolutionize the discovery process of efficient OLED emitters. The remarkable results of this research were published in the esteemed Intelligent Computing journal on May 17.

At the heart of this “hybrid quantum-classical procedure” lies the optimal OLED emitter, meticulously uncovered by the authors. This exceptional emitter is a deuterated derivative of Alq3, exhibiting not only an extraordinary capacity for emitting light but also exceptional synthesizability.

Deuterated OLED emitters are organic materials in which hydrogen atoms are judiciously substituted with deuterium atoms within the emitter molecules. Although these emitters possess immense potential for efficient light emission, designing such deuterated OLED emitters poses an intricate computational challenge. The crux of this challenge lies in the optimization of the deuterium atom positions within the emitter molecules, necessitating exhaustive calculations from scratch.

To expedite these calculations, the researchers devised a novel workflow that harnesses the capabilities of both classical and quantum computers. Initially, quantum chemistry calculations are performed on a classical computer to determine the “quantum efficiencies” of an array of deuterated Alq3 molecules. These crucial data, pertaining to the light-emitting efficiencies of diverse molecules, are then utilized to construct training and test datasets, forming the foundation for building a robust machine learning model. This model’s primary objective is to predict the quantum efficiencies of various deuterated Alq3 molecules.

Subsequently, armed with the machine learning model, the research team proceeds to construct an energy function for the system, known as a Hamiltonian. Leveraging this Hamiltonian, quantum optimization takes center stage, facilitated by two cutting-edge quantum variational optimization algorithms—the variational quantum eigensolver (VQE) and the quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAQA). The integration of machine learning with quantum optimization empowers researchers to unravel molecules boasting optimal quantum efficiencies. Notably, during the quantum optimization process, a synthetic constraint is introduced to guarantee the synthesizability of the optimized molecule.

In an effort to enhance the prediction accuracy on quantum devices, the authors ingeniously employed a noise-robust technique called recursive probabilistic variable elimination (RPVE). By embracing this technique, they achieved the remarkable feat of “identifying the optimal deuterated molecule with unparalleled precision using a quantum device.” Furthermore, they emphasize the potential of combining this newfound noise-robust technique with their chosen quantum optimization algorithms to unlock quantum advantage for near-term quantum devices.

Looking ahead, the authors foresee a myriad of possibilities with their comprehensive approach, amalgamating quantum chemistry, machine learning, and quantum optimization. They envision a future brimming with new opportunities to generate and optimize pivotal molecules for material informatics, propelling the field toward unprecedented advancements.


The seamless integration of machine learning and quantum computing in the discovery of efficient organic light-emitting materials signifies a significant leap forward for the market. This approach holds immense potential for revolutionizing the development of optoelectronic devices, particularly OLED displays. By accelerating the optimization process and unlocking new opportunities for material informatics, this advancement paves the way for enhanced products and technologies in the field, driving market growth and innovation. Businesses operating in the optoelectronics industry should closely monitor these developments and consider incorporating these cutting-edge techniques to stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging market opportunities.
