Researchers employ AI to improve satellite internet in remote are


  • Researchers from the National Research Council and the University of Waterloo employ machine learning to improve satellite internet in remote areas.
  • Their Multivariate Variance-based Genetic Ensemble Learning Method identifies satellite abnormalities preemptively.
  • The new model outperforms existing methods in accuracy, precision, and recall.
  • Satellite internet connects users through orbiting satellites, vital for regions lacking traditional broadband infrastructure.
  • Despite its advantages, satellite internet incurs latency due to signal travel time.
  • Ongoing development focuses on speed, latency reduction, and broader coverage.

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In the vast expanses of Canada, rural and remote communities have long relied on satellite connections to bridge the digital divide. However, the reliability of these connections has often been marred by frequent malfunctions and service outages, leaving these areas in a perpetual state of internet disparity compared to their urban counterparts. Despite strides in technology, this persistent issue has remained unresolved—until now.

A glimmer of hope emerges as a group of academics from the National Research Council (NRC) and the University of Waterloo unveils a groundbreaking solution. Leveraging the power of machine learning, they aim to tackle this age-old problem head-on. Their innovation, known as the Multivariate Variance-based Genetic Ensemble Learning Method, amalgamates various cutting-edge AI-driven techniques to proactively identify anomalies within satellites and satellite networks before they escalate into critical issues.

This revelation comes via an official press release jointly issued by the institutions, marking a significant milestone in the quest for stable satellite internet connectivity.

Peng Hu, an adjunct professor specializing in computer science, statistics, and actuarial science at the University of Waterloo and the corresponding author of this study, emphasizes the importance of satellite internet for remote regions. “For remote areas in Canada and around the world, satellites are often their best option for maintaining internet access,” Hu asserts. “The problem is that the operation of those satellites can be expensive and time-consuming, and issues with them can lead to populations being cut off from the rest of the world.”

To test the effectiveness of their new method, the researchers turned to three global datasets. These datasets include Soil Moisture Active Passive (which monitors soil moisture across Earth using NASA satellites), Mars Science Laboratory rover (featuring satellite data from the Mars rover), and the Server Machine Dataset (sourced from a major internet provider). Across metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall, the researchers discovered that their novel model outperformed existing ones.

Hu underscores the growing significance of satellite network systems in the future: “Satellite network systems are going to be more and more important in the future. This research will help us to design more reliable, resilient, and secure satellite systems.”

For those unfamiliar with the mechanics of satellite internet, it relies on satellites orbiting Earth to connect users. This technology proves particularly invaluable in areas where installing traditional broadband infrastructure, such as cable or DSL, is impractical or financially unfeasible. In a nutshell, satellite internet entails data signals being transmitted between a user’s satellite dish (known as a ground station) and a geostationary or low Earth orbit satellite. In simpler terms, a satellite in orbit communicates with the user’s dish, facilitating the transmission and reception of data to and from a ground station operated by the internet service provider (ISP).

However, it’s worth noting that satellite internet does come with inherent latency, primarily due to the signal’s journey to space and back. This latency can impact real-time activities like online gaming and video conferencing.


The utilization of machine learning to fortify satellite internet connectivity presents a promising avenue for addressing the persistent digital divide in remote areas. This innovation could lead to more reliable and secure satellite systems, enabling underserved populations to stay connected in the digital age. As the technology matures, it may open new market opportunities for satellite internet providers, especially in regions where traditional broadband infrastructure is impractical or cost-prohibitive.
