Researchers introduced an automated method, “Tree of Attacks with Pruning,” to push LLMs beyond their preset constraints


  • Researchers unveil “Tree of Attacks with Pruning” (TAP) method to manipulate language models (LLMs).
  • TAP enables unaligned LLMs to coerce aligned LLMs into generating undesired content.
  • Even state-of-the-art LLMs like GPT4 can be jailbroken using TAP with a high success rate.
  • This research adds to a growing body of studies demonstrating the vulnerability of LLMs to malicious prompts.
  • TAP offers a fully automated and reliable approach, marking a significant advancement over previous methods.
  • The significance lies in the security and privacy implications as organizations rush to integrate LLM technologies.
  • Guardrails implemented by developers may not be sufficient to protect against unintended model behavior.

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The widespread utilization of large language models (LLMs) has ignited a surge in research endeavors aimed at probing the vulnerability of LLMs in generating harmful and biased content when given specific prompts. Among these efforts, a recent paper authored by researchers at Robust Intelligence and Yale University introduces an entirely automated method for coercing even state-of-the-art black box LLMs to transcend their predefined boundaries and produce undesirable content.

Black box LLMs, typified by models like ChatGPT, maintain a shroud of secrecy around their architecture, training data, and methodologies. The novel approach, christened the “Tree of Attacks with Pruning” (TAP), entails employing an unaligned LLM to essentially “jailbreak” a closely aligned LLM or, in simpler terms, induce it to breach its predefined limits swiftly and with remarkable success. An aligned LLM, such as the one underpinning ChatGPT and similar AI chatbots, is meticulously engineered to mitigate potential harm, typically refraining from responding to requests for potentially dangerous information. On the other hand, an unaligned LLM prioritizes accuracy and operates with fewer constraints.

With TAP, researchers have illuminated how an unaligned LLM can prompt an aligned target LLM on a potentially hazardous subject and subsequently fine-tune the original prompt using the target LLM’s response. This iterative process persists until one of the generated prompts successfully coerces the target LLM into divulging the requested information. Astonishingly, the researchers found that even smaller LLMs could successfully jailbreak the most advanced aligned LLMs, including GPT4 and GPT4-Turbo.

In empirical evaluations, we observe that TAP generates prompts that jailbreak state-of-the-art LLMs (including GPT4 and GPT4-Turbo) for more than 80% of the prompts using only a small number of queries,” the researchers reported. “This significantly improves upon the previous state-of-the-art black-box method for generating jailbreaks.”

A Surge in Research Endeavors

This latest research contribution adds to a burgeoning body of studies in recent months that demonstrate the susceptibility of LLMs to unintended behaviors, such as exposing training data and sensitive information through specific prompts. Some of these studies have focused on coaxing LLMs into revealing potentially harmful or unintended information through direct interactions, while others have unveiled how adversaries can elicit similar behavior through indirect prompts concealed within text, audio, and image data likely to be retrieved by the model in response to user inputs.

Previous prompt injection methods for steering models away from intended behavior often involved manual interaction and produced nonsensical outputs. TAP represents an evolution of these techniques, offering a fully automated and more reliable approach.

In October, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania introduced an algorithm named “Prompt Automatic Iterative Refinement” (PAIR), which involved one LLM jailbreaking another. PAIR’s competitive approach involved two black-box LLMs—referred to as the attacker and the target—pitted against each other. In tests, PAIR demonstrated the capability to trigger “semantically meaningful” jailbreaks with just 20 queries, marking a 10,000-fold improvement over prior jailbreak methods.

The Unique Approach of TAP

The TAP method developed by researchers at Robust Intelligence and Yale differs in its application of a “tree-of-thought” reasoning process. “Crucially, before sending prompts to the target, TAP assesses them and prunes the ones unlikely to result in jailbreaks,” the researchers elucidated. “Using tree-of-thought reasoning allows TAP to navigate a large search space of prompts, and pruning reduces the total number of queries sent to the target.”

Such research carries profound significance, as numerous organizations rush to incorporate LLM technologies into their applications and operations, often neglecting the potential security and privacy implications. As underscored by the TAP researchers, despite the diligent efforts of entities like OpenAI, Google, and Meta to implement guardrails, these safeguards may not be robust enough to shield enterprises and users from model risks, biases, and potential adversarial exploits. These concerns have taken center stage in the ongoing discourse surrounding LLMs.


The emergence of the TAP method highlights a concerning reality for the market. As organizations increasingly adopt LLM technologies, the potential for manipulation and unintended consequences becomes a critical concern. While TAP represents a remarkable technical achievement, it underscores the urgency for robust safeguards and vigilance against malicious use, pushing organizations to prioritize model security and ethical considerations in their AI deployments.
