Revolutionizing Healthcare: EPFL’s Meditron Sets New Standards in Medical AI


  • EPFL introduces Meditron, an open-source LLM for healthcare.
  • Meditron is available in 7B and 70B versions and is trained on curated medical data.
  • It offers a community license and an Apache 2.0 license for commercial use.
  • Outperforms existing models like GPT-3.5 and Med-PaLM in medical tasks.
  • Emphasis on transparency with access to training code and weights.
  • Collaboration with the Red Cross enhances its humanitarian utility.
  • The upcoming workshop explores Meditron’s potential and limitations.
  • Meditron’s mission is to democratize access to medical knowledge.

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In a groundbreaking development, researchers at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) have introduced Meditron, a cutting-edge open-source large language model (LLM) designed specifically for the healthcare industry. This remarkable achievement builds upon Meta’s Llama 2 framework, setting a new standard for medical AI.

Meditron comes in two variants: the 7-billion-token and the massive 70-billion-token model. What sets Meditron apart is its commitment to openness. These models have been meticulously trained using curated medical data, drawing from authoritative sources such as PubMed literature and diverse clinical guidelines.

One of Meditron’s key distinctions is its licensing approach. It offers a Llama 2 community license agreement and an Apache 2.0 license for commercial use, making it accessible for both academic and industrial applications. Furthermore, Meditron is readily available on Hugging Face, ensuring easy access for developers and researchers alike.

When evaluated against established open-source and closed models like GPT-3.5 and Med-PaLM, Meditron outperformed them. Zeming Chen, the lead author and a doctoral candidate, pointed out that Meditron-70B achieves remarkable competitiveness, closely trailing GPT-4 by a mere 5% and Med-PaLM-2 by 10%. This performance is a testament to the EPFL team’s dedication to excellence in medical AI.

Professor Martin Jaggi highlighted the significance of Meditron’s transparency. By providing access to the model’s training code and weights, the EPFL team empowers fellow researchers to enhance its reliability and robustness through rigorous testing and refinement.

Medical doctor Professor Mary-Anne Hartley underscored Meditron’s safety design, which incorporates medical knowledge from transparent and high-quality sources. Collaborating with the International Committee of the Red Cross further enriches the model by integrating their clinical practice guidelines, making it an invaluable resource for humanitarian contexts.

Dr. Javier Elkin from the International Committee for the Red Cross expressed enthusiasm for this initiative, recognizing the unique sensitivity of healthcare tools in humanitarian settings. A forthcoming workshop in Geneva, funded by the Humanitarian Action Challenge grant, will delve into the potential, limitations, and risks associated with Meditron, focusing on its distinctive attributes.

Professor Antoine Bosselut, the principal investigator, outlined Meditron’s overarching mission—to democratize access to medical knowledge. This release aligns seamlessly with the EPFL AI Center’s vision of responsible and effective AI for the betterment of society. The center actively promotes cross-sector partnerships, fostering multidisciplinary engagement in AI research, education, and innovation.

While general-purpose AI models have their place, specialized models like Meditron are pivotal in healthcare. Previous attempts at medical LLMs, such as Med-PaLM 2 and GPT-4, were either closed-source or lacked the scale necessary for comprehensive medical applications. Meditron is a game-changer, ensuring that high-quality medical AI is open, accessible, and ready to transform healthcare as we know it.


EPFL’s Meditron is a game-changer for the healthcare AI market. Its open-source nature, impressive performance, and commitment to transparency position it as a leader in medical language models. With the ability to enhance medical research and practice, Meditron is poised to transform the healthcare industry and foster innovation in AI applications for societal benefit.
