Reworkd Secures $1.65 Million CAD Funding to Propel AI Agents in Business 


  • Reworkd AI, a Canadian-founded startup, has raised $1.65 million CAD in pre-seed financing from Panache Ventures and Y Combinator.
  • The funding will support the public launch of AgentGPT, a consumer-facing AI agent platform that has gained significant traction.
  • Reworkd plans to introduce Reworkd for Business, an AI agent offering designed to automate repetitive tasks and meet the growing demand for AI deployment in enterprises.
  • The funding round signifies Reworkd’s emergence as a prominent player in the AI agent market and highlights its strong community and customer engagement.
  • Reworkd is led by a team of first-time founders with expertise in computer science and AI-related roles, supported by their experiences at reputable organizations.
  • The startup is model-agnostic, leveraging large language models from OpenAI while remaining open to exploring other sources or refining their own models.
  • Reworkd has been collaborating with companies in marketing, real estate, and manufacturing sectors to develop their business-to-business offering in a closed beta.
  • The company’s plans include establishing a presence in Canada and hiring talent in the future.

Main AI News:

Reworkd AI, a Canadian-founded startup based in San Francisco, has successfully closed a pre-seed financing round, securing $1.65 million CAD ($1.25 million USD) from Panache Ventures and Y Combinator (YC), a renowned California-based tech accelerator. The funding comes as Reworkd participates in YC’s Summer 2023 cohort, focusing on the development of an artificial intelligence (AI) agent platform.

The latest round of financing follows Reworkd’s beta launch of AgentGPT in April, which has rapidly gained traction without any marketing efforts. With over 400,000 users and more than 25,000 stars on GitHub, Reworkd has demonstrated its potential to capture the market’s attention. Asim Shrestha, the co-founder and CEO of Reworkd, described the product’s growth as a phenomenon, stating, “It just kind of took off like a rocket.”

Capitalizing on its momentum, Reworkd intends to utilize the funding to fuel the public release of AgentGPT and introduce Reworkd for Business, an AI agent solution tailored to assist enterprises in automating repetitive tasks. The demand for automation in the business landscape has been steadily rising, and Reworkd aims to deliver substantial value through its AI agents.

The funding round, which concluded in May, represents Reworkd’s first-ever financing and was facilitated through a simple agreement for future equity (SAFE). Chris Neumann, a general partner at Panache Ventures, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, recognizing Reworkd’s position at the forefront of the emerging AI agent market. Neumann emphasized the remarkable growth and the strong developer community and customer base that Reworkd has cultivated, underscoring the company’s potential to shape the future of AI business agents.

Reworkd is led by a team of first-time founders, including Asim Shrestha, CTO Adam Watkins, and COO Srijan Subedi, all hailing from Vancouver. Shrestha and Watkins, who studied computer science at Simon Fraser University, previously held AI-related positions at the British Columbia Cancer Research Institute before working as software engineers at Amazon Web Services and Article, respectively. Subedi, with a background in science from the University of British Columbia, has experience with Stemcell Technologies and The Centre for Heart Lung Innovation.

The decision to relocate to San Francisco and participate in YC reflects Reworkd’s drive to be at the epicenter of the latest AI advancements. Shrestha shared that the team began their journey long before the current AI hype cycle, giving them a head start and contributing to the remarkable progress achieved with AgentGPT. He emphasized that Reworkd’s AI agents encompass three key components: a powerful large language model (LLM), access to external tools like Google Search or Microsoft Word, and a “self-recursive agent loop” enabling them to handle complex tasks beyond the capabilities of traditional chatbots.

While Reworkd currently leverages LLMs from OpenAI, Shrestha indicated that the startup remains open to exploring models from other sources or fine-tuning its own in the future. Over the past few months, Reworkd has been collaborating with companies in the marketing, real estate, and manufacturing sectors to refine its business-to-business offering in a closed beta environment.

Despite its current San Francisco base, Reworkd plans to establish a presence in Canada and expand its team there, affirming its admiration for the country. Shrestha concluded, “We want to be the next great Canadian company,” expressing their aspirations for long-term success.


Reworkd’s successful funding round and the rapid growth of its consumer-facing AI agent platform, AgentGPT, underscore the rising interest and demand for automation solutions in the business landscape. With its focus on developing AI agents to automate core business processes, Reworkd is positioned to capture a significant share of the AI agent market. The funding and their partnership with established venture capital firms demonstrate confidence in Reworkd’s vision and potential. As the company expands its offerings and establishes a presence in Canada, Reworkd aims to become a leading force in the AI industry, catering to the evolving needs of enterprises seeking efficient and intelligent automation solutions.
