Ritual Secures $25 Million Funding to Challenge AI Industry Titans


  • Former Polychain Capital partners, Niraj Pant and Akilesh Potti, have raised $25 million for their startup, Ritual.
  • Ritual aims to decentralize the AI industry and create a cloud computing service optimized for AI tasks.
  • The funding was led by Archetype, an early-stage crypto VC, with participation from Accomplice and Robot Ventures.
  • Ritual distinguishes itself by focusing on inference and fine-tuning for AI algorithms and offers cryptographic validation for task execution.
  • Pant and Potti’s entrepreneurial journey reflects the growing synergy between crypto and AI startups.

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In the realm of AI, giants such as Microsoft, Google, and Amazon currently reign supreme, holding a tight grip on the industry. Former partners at Polychain Capital, Niraj Pant and Akilesh Potti, recognize this dominance all too well. “It’s really only a few companies that own the models, that are improving the models,” Pant remarked to Fortune.

Determined to disrupt this status quo, Pant and Potti have recently secured $25 million in funding for their ambitious venture, Ritual. Ritual’s mission is to establish a decentralized computing infrastructure, challenging the supremacy of big tech in the burgeoning AI landscape. Archetype, an early-stage crypto VC, spearheaded this funding round, with Accomplice and Robot Ventures also joining the initiative. Pant refrained from disclosing Ritual’s implied valuation.

Ash Egan, the founder of Archetype, lauds Pant and Potti’s startup for “approaching real problems at the intersection of AI and crypto, a sector poised for exponential growth in the coming years.”

Ritual emerges as one among many crypto-AI startups that have recently announced successful fundraises. Some Web3 founders have pivoted their companies to capitalize on the current AI hype, sidestepping the funding challenges faced by pure crypto firms.

At just 26 years old, Pant embodies the archetype of a tech entrepreneur—a college dropout turned founder. His journey began at 19 when he joined Polychain as an intern, swiftly leaving the University of Illinois behind. Over the next six years, Pant invested in more than 30 different companies at the VC firm, including dYdX and Compound. Now, he has partnered with Potti, formerly of Palantir, to launch Ritual.

Pant elucidates that Ritual’s core offering is a decentralized cloud computing service tailored for AI applications. Unlike companies relying exclusively on the computing resources of Google or Amazon, Ritual harnesses servers from a myriad of sources, even individual laptops.

While the concept of decentralized AI networks is not novel, Ritual distinguishes itself through its focus on optimization for inference and fine-tuning of AI algorithms. Additionally, Ritual enables companies to employ cryptography to validate that the correct model executed a task—a crucial feature when, for instance, demonstrating that the accurate medical AI bot performed a cancer diagnosis.

Ritual’s current workforce stands at ten employees, but Pant is actively seeking to expand the team. He notes, “AI talent is quite expensive these days,” emphasizing the ongoing demand for skilled professionals in this dynamic field.


The successful $25 million funding round for Ritual underscores the increasing interest in decentralized AI solutions. As industry giants like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon maintain their dominance, startups like Ritual are poised to disrupt the market by offering specialized, decentralized cloud computing services optimized for AI. This development signifies a growing shift towards innovation at the intersection of AI and cryptocurrency, presenting both challenges and opportunities for the market as it seeks to diversify and democratize AI technology.
