Robin AI’s Contract Copilot Elevates Legal Work: Now Integrated with Microsoft Word


  • Robin AI integrates its contract copilot with Microsoft Word.
  • This integration streamlines legal contract work, saving time and money.
  • The AI copilot combines Anthropic’s Claude LLM with proprietary contract data and machine learning.
  • Lawyers can use their own playbooks for contract review and editing.
  • The technology reduces contract review time by an average of 82%.
  • It opens up AI benefits to the legal industry and levels the playing field.
  • Robin AI has seen a 4x increase in customers since launching the copilot.

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In a move that promises to revolutionize the legal industry, Robin AI has seamlessly integrated its cutting-edge AI-powered contract copilot into Microsoft Word, offering lawyers a game-changing advantage. The addition of this free add-in to the legal community’s go-to software not only streamlines daily operations but also empowers legal professionals with the latest AI technologies.

In today’s legal landscape, Microsoft Word serves as an indispensable tool for drafting, reviewing, and editing contracts. However, the tedious process of manual revisions and version control often leads to costly delays. Enter Robin AI, which has bridged the gap by embedding its AI prowess directly into the most frequently used application for contract work.

Robin AI’s contract copilot is a one-of-a-kind solution, harnessing the power of a Large Language Model (LLM) known as Anthropic’s Claude, combined with its proprietary contract data and machine learning techniques. This dynamic duo enables the copilot to not only read but also comprehend contracts comprehensively. Customers can integrate their unique negotiating playbooks, and the Robin copilot swiftly undertakes contract reviews, identifies critical clauses, and suggests edits—all while ensuring lawyers maintain full control throughout the process. Leveraging Anthropic’s Claude and its proprietary AI models, Robin AI’s technology boasts an impressive average reduction of 82% in contract review time, thereby safeguarding against missed details and enhancing consistency.

Richard Robinson, CEO, and co-founder of Robin AI, emphasized the company’s commitment to democratizing AI for the legal sector. “We want to make the benefits of AI as accessible as possible for the legal industry,” he affirmed. The integration of Robin AI’s AI copilot with MS Word is the culmination of customer demand and a top priority for the company. It marks the first instance where a legal generative AI product, meticulously tailored for contracts and customizable with individual playbooks, is seamlessly embedded within MS Word.

Generative AI holds immense potential for transforming the traditionally technology-averse legal sector, with research indicating that AI can handle up to 44% of legal tasks. This groundbreaking technology also levels the playing field, enabling smaller, specialized law firms to compete on equal footing with their larger counterparts. The key to success in this transformative journey lies in ease of use and reliability, and Robin AI’s free Word Add-in offers precisely that, simplifying adoption and access to this groundbreaking technology.

Since the introduction of the contract copilot, Robin AI has witnessed a remarkable fourfold increase in its customer base, with over 500,000 contracts processed through its innovative technology. This development underscores the growing recognition of AI’s indispensable role in the legal world and Robin AI’s pivotal contribution to reshaping the industry’s future.


Robin AI’s seamless integration of its contract copilot with Microsoft Word signifies a significant step forward in the legal industry’s adoption of AI technologies. This move promises to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and democratize AI benefits for legal professionals, ultimately reshaping the market by making advanced AI tools more accessible and indispensable for legal operations.
