SAE International Secures US Patent Advancing Digital Standards with Machine-Learning Mode


  • SAE International, a leading standards development organization, secures a pivotal US Patent for its innovative digital standards technology.
  • Collaborating with Cognistx, an AI company, they introduce the Generation of Digital Standards Using Machine-Learning Model.
  • This technology underpins the OnQue Digital Standards Solution, enabling accessible and interoperable digital standards for improved product development.
  • CEO David Schutt emphasizes SAE’s commitment to developing, distributing, and deploying digital standards effectively.
  • Digital transformation challenges industry standards traditionally provided in PDF format.
  • The SAE model allows seamless conversion of standards to a digital form, integration into engineering tools via an API, and efficient searches within standards.
  • AI plays a crucial role in making SAE’s library of standards more accessible to global engineers.

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SAE International, a leader in standards development dedicated to advancing mobility knowledge and solutions, has achieved a significant milestone in the realm of digital standards. The US Patent and Trademark Office recently granted SAE International a pivotal patent that is poised to transform the landscape of standardization, ushering in a new era of efficiency and precision across industries.

In collaboration with Cognistx, an applied AI company, SAE International has harnessed the power of Generation of Digital Standards Using Machine-Learning Model (Patent No. 11,645,550). This groundbreaking technology serves as the foundation for SAE’s innovative OnQue Digital Standards Solution. This solution offers readily accessible and interoperable digital standards, paving the way for seamless integration, heightened speed, and uncompromising accuracy throughout the entire product-development lifecycle.

David Schutt, the CEO of SAE International, underscores the organization’s commitment to collaboration with industry stakeholders, standards development organizations, and enterprise solution providers. Their shared goal is to craft, disseminate, and implement digital standards precisely when they are needed most. Schutt asserts, “This patent represents a significant stride towards establishing a gold standard for digital standards.”

As industries embrace digital transformation, industry standards have emerged as a key challenge. Traditionally delivered in the form of static PDF documents, the digitization of industry standards has proven to be a laborious and error-prone endeavor. The transition from paper to digital often introduces complications, such as sentence structure discrepancies, formatting issues with tables, and inconsistencies in variable naming.

SAE’s newly patented model introduces a transformative solution, empowering companies to:

  • Seamlessly convert existing standards into an interoperable digital format.
  • Integrate digital standards seamlessly into the toolbox of engineers through a robust Application Programming Interface (API).
  • Facilitate efficient searches for standards based on the rich data and content contained within these standards.

Uxue Zurutuza, Senior Data Scientist at Cognistx and one of the co-inventors listed on the patent, highlights the pivotal role of AI models in this achievement. “Our AI models have enabled SAE to transform its extensive library of standards into a resource that is easily accessible and usable by the global community of engineers. One of the most significant outcomes of our partnership has been the development of a reliable and proven method for the creation of digital standards.”


SAE International’s pioneering digital standards technology, backed by a key patent, promises to revolutionize industry standardization. This innovation addresses the challenges posed by the digital transformation of standards, making them more accessible, integrated, and searchable. It signifies a significant leap towards efficiency and precision in various industries, enhancing the way businesses operate and collaborate in a digitally driven market.
