Safeguarding AI Implementation in Cybersecurity


  • Group-IB uncovers a significant security breach impacting ChatGPT accounts, with 100,000 compromised devices and leaked credentials on the Dark Web.
  • Samsung experiences data leaks through ChatGPT, raising concerns about the confidentiality of proprietary information.
  • Italy imposes a ban on ChatGPT usage due to compliance worries with the EU’s GDPR.
  • Public AI utilizes publicly available datasets, while private AI ensures data exclusivity for organizations.
  • Cybersecurity programs should implement user awareness, data minimization, anonymization, secure data handling, retention policies, legal compliance, vendor assessment, and AI acceptable use policies.
  • AI implementation in cybersecurity requires balancing growth opportunities with data privacy concerns.

Main AI News:

In a recent revelation by cybersecurity firm Group-IB, the vulnerability of ChatGPT accounts came to light. The firm discovered a staggering 100,000 compromised devices, each with ChatGPT credentials that were subsequently traded on illicit Dark Web marketplaces over the past year. This security breach emphasizes the urgent need to address the compromised security of ChatGPT accounts, as search queries containing sensitive information become vulnerable to hackers. Another concerning incident involved Samsung, which experienced three instances of inadvertent leaks of sensitive information through ChatGPT within a month. These incidents highlight the critical need for confidentiality and security in protecting proprietary information.

The EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has raised concerns about ChatGPT’s compliance, leading Italy to impose a nationwide ban on its usage. The GDPR mandates strict guidelines for data collection and usage, making it essential for businesses to prioritize data privacy while awaiting the development of appropriate laws.

The rapid advancements in AI and generative AI applications have created new opportunities for accelerating growth in business intelligence, products, and operations. However, cybersecurity program owners must ensure data privacy in their AI implementations, even in the absence of comprehensive regulations.

Understanding Public AI and Private AI

To gain a deeper understanding, let’s explore the concepts of public AI and private AI. Public AI refers to AI software applications that are publicly accessible and trained on datasets obtained from users or customers. An excellent example of public AI is ChatGPT, which utilizes publicly available data from the Internet, including text articles, images, and videos.

Public AI can also involve algorithms that use datasets not exclusive to a particular user or organization. Consequently, customers of public AI should be aware that their data may not remain entirely private.

In contrast, private AI involves training algorithms on data that is unique to a specific user or organization. If you use machine learning systems to train a model with a specific dataset, such as invoices or tax forms, that model remains exclusive to your organization. Platform vendors do not utilize your data to train their own models, ensuring that private AI prevents any use of your data to aid your competitors.

Integrating AI into Training Programs and Policies

To effectively experiment, develop, and integrate AI applications into products and services while adhering to best practices, cybersecurity staff should implement the following policies:

  1. User Awareness and Education: Educate users about the risks associated with utilizing AI and encourage them to exercise caution when transmitting sensitive information. Promote secure communication practices and advise users to verify the authenticity of the AI system they interact with.
  2. Data Minimization: Only provide the AI engine with the minimum amount of data necessary to accomplish the task at hand. Avoid sharing unnecessary or sensitive information that is irrelevant to AI processing.
  3. Anonymization and De-identification: Whenever possible, anonymize or de-identify the data before inputting it into the AI engine. This involves removing personally identifiable information (PII) or any other sensitive attributes that are not required for AI processing.
  4. Secure Data Handling Practices: Establish strict policies and procedures for handling sensitive data. Limit access to authorized personnel only and enforce strong authentication mechanisms to prevent unauthorized access. Train employees on data privacy best practices and implement logging and auditing mechanisms to track data access and usage.
  5. Retention and Disposal: Define data retention policies and securely dispose of data once it is no longer needed. Implement proper data disposal mechanisms, such as secure deletion or cryptographic erasure, to ensure that the data cannot be recovered once it is no longer required.
  6. Legal and Compliance Considerations: Understand the legal ramifications of the data being inputted into the AI engine. Ensure that users’ utilization of the AI complies with relevant regulations, such as data protection laws or industry-specific standards.
  7. Vendor Assessment: When utilizing an AI engine provided by a third-party vendor, conduct a comprehensive assessment of their security measures. Verify that the vendor follows industry best practices for data security and privacy and that they have appropriate safeguards in place to protect your data. ISO and SOC attestation, for example, provide valuable third-party validations of a vendor’s adherence to recognized standards and their commitment to information security.
  8. Formalize an AI Acceptable Use Policy (AUP): An AI acceptable use policy should outline the purpose and objectives of the policy, emphasizing the responsible and ethical use of AI technologies. It should define acceptable use cases, specifying the scope and boundaries for AI utilization. The AUP should encourage transparency, accountability, and responsible decision-making in AI usage, fostering a culture of ethical AI practices within the organization. Regular reviews and updates ensure the policy’s relevance to evolving AI technologies and ethics.

By implementing these policies, cybersecurity program owners can safely integrate AI into their operations while upholding data privacy and security standards. Embracing AI technologies responsibly and ethically will ensure that businesses can leverage the benefits of AI while safeguarding sensitive information.


The security breach and data leaks involving ChatGPT underscore the pressing need for stringent cybersecurity measures when implementing AI technologies. The ban imposed by Italy highlights the importance of complying with data protection regulations like the GDPR. Organizations must prioritize user awareness, secure data handling practices, and thorough vendor assessments to mitigate risks. While AI presents opportunities for accelerated growth, businesses must navigate the ethical and privacy considerations associated with public and private AI. Striking a balance between harnessing the potential of AI and safeguarding sensitive information is crucial for maintaining trust and competitiveness in the market.
