Samsung Ads Europe introduces Smart Outcomes, a new machine-learning advertising solution

  • Samsung Ads Europe introduces Smart Outcomes, a machine-learning advertising solution.
  • Utilizes data from 60+ million Samsung Smart TVs in Europe for precise audience targeting.
  • Employs advanced machine-learning and look-alike modeling for optimized CTV campaigns.
  • Designed internally, leveraging proprietary data including Automatic Content Recognition and third-party inputs.
  • Available across major European markets and expanding globally.
  • Early tests with partners like Sky Italia show promising results in campaign effectiveness.

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Samsung Ads Europe has introduced its latest innovation aimed at revolutionizing the advertising landscape across the continent. The company, a prominent division of Samsung Electronics specializing in advertising, has unveiled the Smart Outcomes solution. This cutting-edge platform harnesses the power of machine-learning to empower advertisers with unprecedented capabilities in optimizing Connected TV (CTV) campaigns.

At its core, Smart Outcomes leverages the vast and exclusive dataset derived from over 60 million Samsung Smart TVs across Europe. This invaluable resource allows advertisers to utilize advanced machine-learning algorithms and sophisticated look-alike modeling techniques. By pinpointing high-value target audiences, the solution promises to enhance campaign outcomes significantly. Key benefits include expanding reach, promoting content effectively, and driving customer acquisition strategies with precision.

Developed internally by Samsung’s Audience Intelligence teams, Smart Outcomes begins by identifying seed audience groups from a comprehensive dataset. This dataset combines Samsung Ads’ proprietary Automatic Content Recognition, hardware insights, gaming and historical campaign engagement data, as well as inputs from third-party data providers and brand advertiser customer data. These seed audiences serve as the foundation for training the look-alike model, which identifies devices within the Samsung UK ecosystem exhibiting behaviors similar to the target audience, thereby optimizing campaign delivery.

Once activated, Smart Outcomes operates autonomously, continuously learning and refining its algorithms throughout the campaign lifecycle. This iterative process ensures that advertisers benefit from ongoing optimization driven by the evolving capabilities of machine learning technology. Furthermore, the platform supports integration with advertisers’ first-party data via a secure data cleanroom environment, enhancing its customization and effectiveness.

Initially available across key European markets including the UK, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Italy, and Spain, Smart Outcomes is accessible for both managed and programmatic campaigns. Additionally, Samsung plans to extend this solution to other global markets such as the Americas and APAC, underscoring its commitment to delivering advanced advertising solutions worldwide.

Industry response has been positive, with early beta partners like Sky Italia’s Distribution Partnerships Manager, Alice Gianotti, praising the platform’s ability to demonstrate measurable campaign lift and enhance customer acquisition efforts. Matt Bryan, Director of Analytics & Insights at Samsung Ads Europe, highlighted the platform’s role in driving efficiencies and optimizing media investments with unparalleled data-driven insights.

Minai Bui, Director of Product Marketing at Samsung Ads Europe, emphasized Smart Outcomes’ role in advancing advertising effectiveness through continuous innovation in machine-learning technologies. This commitment underscores Samsung Ads’ dedication to empowering brands to achieve greater impact and efficacy in their CTV advertising strategies.

With Smart Outcomes, Samsung Ads Europe reaffirms its position at the forefront of technological innovation in advertising, leveraging vast datasets and advanced analytics to redefine advertising standards across the industry. As advertisers seek more efficient and effective ways to engage audiences, Smart Outcomes emerges as a pivotal solution driving tangible results and shaping the future of Connected TV advertising.


Samsung Ads Europe’s launch of Smart Outcomes signifies a significant advancement in the CTV advertising landscape. By harnessing extensive data resources and cutting-edge machine-learning technologies, the platform not only enhances targeting precision but also promises to drive efficiencies and measurable outcomes for advertisers. This move underscores Samsung’s commitment to innovation and leadership in transforming how brands engage with audiences through Connected TV advertising.
