San Jose unveils employee guidelines for generative AI, including ChatGPT, ensuring responsible and careful integration of AI technology into daily work


  • San Jose introduces employee guidelines for generative AI, including ChatGPT.
  • The focus is on using AI responsibly to maintain reliability, privacy, and government transparency.
  • AI adoption can enhance employee responsiveness and efficiency in engaging with residents.
  • Guidelines stress the need for fact-checking and proper citation when using AI apps for work.
  • San Jose aims to stay ahead of the curve and involve the public in shaping future AI protocols.
  • Lawmakers nationwide are debating AI policies, with varying responses in different regions.
  • San Jose’s proactive approach sets an example for other businesses and institutions.
  • Responsible AI implementation can optimize benefits while minimizing potential harms.

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As artificial intelligence becomes increasingly ingrained in people’s daily lives, San Jose, a burgeoning hub for the AI industry, is taking strides to ensure responsible integration of this futuristic technology into its operations. The city recently unveiled its inaugural set of employee guidelines, focusing on generative AI—a cutting-edge technology capable of producing text, images, and other media in response to prompts. Among the platforms highlighted is ChatGPT, and city authorities are committed to leveraging its potential while safeguarding reliability, privacy, and government transparency.

By harnessing AI, San Jose’s workforce anticipates improved responsiveness and heightened efficiency, empowering them to better engage with the city’s residents. Nonetheless, officials acknowledge the paramount importance of addressing concerns related to potential inaccuracies and errors in AI-generated content. As a safeguard, the guidelines mandate fact-checking for all AI-assisted work and underscore the need for employees to properly attribute the use of AI apps in their tasks.

Albert Gehami, the city’s digital privacy officer, emphasizes that the adoption of generative AI will not disrupt the fundamental functioning of San Jose. Instead, it seeks to facilitate responsible deployment and management of this transformative technology. The guidelines, though an initial draft, represent a crucial starting point to navigate the complexities of AI integration. The city’s administration hopes that through this gradual rollout, they can engage the public and encourage constructive input to shape future protocols.

For Gehami, the ubiquitous nature of AI demands proactive engagement rather than avoidance. By releasing these guidelines, San Jose positions itself as a proactive participant in the broader conversation surrounding AI’s responsible usage and its potential benefits for the city.

Deputy City Manager Rob Lloyd echoes Gehami’s sentiment, highlighting that the guidelines will provide a solid foundation for the city to adopt AI responsibly. Given the potential risks associated with uninhibited AI use, these guidelines serve as essential sideboards to minimize potential harm.

The debate over AI adoption extends beyond San Jose’s borders, with various responses across the nation. While some places have taken cautious approaches and even imposed temporary bans, San Jose’s proactive stance sets a compelling example.

On a national scale, lawmakers continue to grapple with AI’s implications. Silicon Valley Congressmember Ro Khanna led the way by filing the first bill that utilized ChatGPT, signaling the technology’s rising significance in legislative discussions. The Government Accountability Office has also been asked to explore possible negative consequences of AI usage and strategies to mitigate them.

Stephen Wu, a prominent attorney specializing in AI and robotics, lauds San Jose’s forward-thinking approach, stressing that guidelines help mitigate concerns about AI’s reliability. As AI continues its ascent as an indispensable tool, the community has a right to know that San Jose prioritizes adherence to ethical principles in harnessing generative AI for the greater good.


San Jose’s pioneering guidelines for AI integration demonstrate a forward-thinking and proactive approach. By prioritizing responsible AI usage and public engagement, the city sets an exemplary standard for businesses and institutions alike. For the market, this indicates a growing demand for businesses to adopt AI with careful consideration for ethical and practical implications. Companies that can successfully navigate these challenges and implement AI responsibly are likely to gain a competitive edge in the evolving market landscape.
