Scientists combine AI with cerebral organoids (minibrains) for enhanced computing power


  • Scientists combine AI with cerebral organoids (“minibrains”) to amplify computing power.
  • Minibrains, lab-grown brain tissue models, serve as an intermediary layer in the computing process.
  • This innovative approach offers potential for biocomputers, promising increased efficiency.
  • Insights into neurodegenerative conditions and brain function may also emerge.
  • Reservoir computing is the underlying technique, with electrical inputs guiding the organoid’s responses.
  • The hybrid algorithm achieves 78% accuracy in speech recognition and performs well in mathematical tasks.
  • Future research may merge brain organoids with reinforcement learning for further advancements.
  • Biocomputers could offer energy-efficient alternatives to conventional computing systems.
  • The technology enhances our understanding of brain functionality and could revolutionize drug testing.

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In a groundbreaking fusion of technology and biology, scientists have merged artificial intelligence (AI) with cerebral organoids, commonly referred to as “minibrains,” to revolutionize computing capabilities. This innovative approach harnesses the potential of these miniature brain models, cultivated from various brain tissues in a lab setting, to amplify AI’s computational prowess.

Minibrains, which have been evolving since 2013, have now found a unique application in the realm of AI enhancement. This pioneering research incorporates conventional computing hardware to feed electrical data into the organoid and subsequently interpret its activity, effectively positioning the organoid as an intermediary layer within the computing process.

While this method is still far from emulating the complexity of the human brain and its functionality, it marks an initial stride toward the development of biocomputers. These biocomputers hold the promise of harnessing biological principles to achieve superior computational power and energy efficiency compared to traditional computers. Furthermore, this synergy could offer profound insights into the workings of the human brain and its response to neurodegenerative conditions such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease.

The study, recently published in the journal Nature Electronics, employs a technique known as reservoir computing, with the organoid serving as the “reservoir.” In this setup, the reservoir stores and reacts to input information, enabling an algorithm to recognize variations triggered within the reservoir and translate them into outputs.

The researchers seamlessly integrated the brain organoid into this framework by administering electrical inputs through electrodes. As co-author Feng Guo explains, “We can encode the information—something like an image or audio information—into the temporal-spatial pattern of electrical stimulation.” Essentially, the organoid’s responses are contingent on the timing and spatial distribution of electrical stimuli, which the algorithm learns to interpret.

Though considerably simpler than an actual human brain, the brain organoid exhibits a degree of adaptability in response to stimulation, akin to the way our brains adapt to electrical signals, underpinning our learning abilities.

Leveraging this unconventional hardware, the researchers trained their hybrid algorithm to perform tasks in two domains: speech recognition and mathematics. Impressively, the computer demonstrated approximately 78% accuracy in recognizing Japanese vowel sounds from extensive audio samples. Additionally, it showcased proficiency in mathematical tasks, albeit slightly less so than conventional machine learning techniques.

This landmark research represents the first instance of integrating a brain organoid with AI. Earlier studies have explored the utilization of lab-grown neural tissue in a similar capacity, often intertwining brain tissue with reinforcement learning—a machine learning variant that aligns more closely with human and animal learning processes than reservoir computing.

Future endeavors may seek to amalgamate brain organoids with reinforcement learning, potentially unlocking even greater potential. One of the foremost advantages of biocomputers lies in their energy efficiency, as they consume significantly less energy than contemporary computing systems. However, it may take several decades before this technology can be deployed as a widely-used biocomputer.

While minibrains are a far cry from replicating the complexity of full-fledged human brains, they offer promise in enhancing our understanding of brain functionality, particularly in conditions like Alzheimer’s. Combining the structural elements of the brain through organoids with the computational capabilities of AI could illuminate the intricate relationship between brain structure and cognition.

Moreover, these computing systems, derived from human brain tissue, have the potential to revolutionize drug testing, potentially eliminating the ethical dilemmas associated with animal testing and yielding more relevant results due to their closer resemblance to human physiology. The incorporation of organoids into drug testing may bridge the gap between preclinical research and effective treatments.


The integration of AI and minibrains represents a significant leap in computing capabilities. This innovative approach has the potential to drive the development of energy-efficient biocomputers and provide invaluable insights into neurodegenerative diseases. Additionally, it could revolutionize drug testing, making it more ethical and scientifically relevant, shaping the future of both technology and healthcare markets.
