Scorpion’s AI-Powered Solutions Garner Acclaim for Empowering SMB Clients’ Success 


  • Scorpion, a leader in digital marketing tech, secures “2023 Sales and Marketing Technology” award from Big Intelligence Group, known as “The Sammy.”
  • Award acknowledges global leadership and innovative solutions in overcoming business obstacles and enhancing connections with prospects and customers.
  • Scorpion’s 20-year journey has been dedicated to empowering local businesses with expert insights and data-driven technology.
  • Rustin Kretz, Founder and CEO, emphasizes their commitment to alleviating business challenges and driving marketing success.
  • The Sammy Award places Scorpion in an elite circle of industry leaders shaping the future of sales and marketing technology.
  • Recognition highlights Scorpion’s innovation, dedication, and potential to redefine consumer-brand interactions.

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In a resounding testament to its prowess, Scorpion, the unrivaled purveyor of cutting-edge digital marketing technology, proudly unveils its latest triumph: clinching the esteemed “2023 Sales and Marketing Technology” accolade, renowned as “The Sammy.” A herald of distinction, The Sammy Award exalts preeminent global trailblazers, visionary technologies, and avant-garde enterprises that surmount the challenges pervading corporate realms, fostering symbiotic alliances with both prospects and patrons.

The genesis of Scorpion emanates from an ardent zeal to catalyze the expansion and triumph of local enterprises. Across two decades and counting, our journey alongside clients has engendered an intricate assimilation of their industries, an immersion that, combined with our expert acumen and troves of historical data, molds our technological ingenuity. At its core, our mission strives to alleviate the daily burdens borne by innumerable local establishments, concurrently bestowing marketing triumphs that propel them toward their pinnacles of ambition,” affirmed Rustin Kretz, the luminary Founder and astute CEO of Scorpion. He continued, “The mantle of distinction we now wear, an anointment as vanguards of Sales and Marketing Technology by the illustrious Big Intelligence Group, resonates as a testament to the concrete fruits of our toil in elevating our clients’ trajectories.” Kretz’s sentiments encapsulate the ethos that propels Scorpion’s ascendancy.

Elevated to the pantheon of Sammy Award recipients, Scorpion forges its identity amid an exclusive coterie of vanguards who are resolutely sculpting the visage of forthcoming sales and marketing technology realms. “In lauding Scorpion, we laud the very essence of innovation and commitment, redounding to the benefit of both technological adopters and the ultimate end consumer,” opined Maria Jimenez, the erudite Chief Nominations Officer of Business Intelligence Group. Her pronouncement reverberates with the conviction that Scorpion’s stride shall indelibly refine our communion with beloved brands across temporal horizons.


Scorpion’s recognition through the prestigious Sammy Award underscores its pivotal role in revolutionizing the sales and marketing technology landscape. This achievement not only reflects their unwavering dedication to aiding local businesses but also signifies a transformative shift in how enterprises connect with their audiences, setting new standards for innovation and customer engagement in the market.
