Scotty the AI Emerges as Premier Meme Coin, $SCOTTY Collects $600k in 72 Hours


  • Scotty the AI, represented by $SCOTTY, secures $600k in initial presale funding within a mere 72 hours.
  • Unlike typical meme coins, Scotty offers a unique value proposition, leveraging AI for on-chain security.
  • Scotty aims to dominate blockchain security, fraud detection, and risk mitigation, backed by a strategic roadmap.
  • Key features include an AI-powered token swap engine and chatbot, enhancing blockchain security and usability.
  • $SCOTTY operates on Ethereum, adhering to ERC-20 standards, with a fixed supply and no allocation to the team.
  • Planned listings on major exchanges and data aggregators signal Scotty’s growing prominence in the crypto market.
  • The project’s evolution culminates in the “Blockchain Takeover,” transitioning to a fully decentralized platform.

Main AI News:

In just 72 hours, early investors have rallied behind Scotty the AI ($SCOTTY), the latest sensation in the world of cryptocurrency, showering him with a whopping $600k treat during the initial token presale. Unlike other canine-inspired meme coins that rely solely on the loyalty of their followers, Scotty stands out by reciprocating that loyalty through his unwavering commitment as their on-chain, AI-powered guardian.

Scotty’s ambition doesn’t stop at merely being another face in the crowd of meme coins. He aspires to lead the pack in blockchain security, fraud detection, and risk mitigation, backed by a cunning strategy.

Already, enthusiastic backers have injected over $595,000 into $SCOTTY’s ongoing presale, now advancing into stage 6. Currently trading at $0.0058 per token, the price is set to climb to $0.00605 in just nine days as the token progresses to the next stage, creating a sense of urgency among potential buyers keen to seize the opportunity presented by this cutting-edge crypto AI.

But what sets Scotty apart from other beloved meme coins with sizable market caps? For starters, he’s not your typical Shiba Inu-inspired token. Scotty proudly identifies as a Scottish Terrier, drawing inspiration from the guardians of the Highlands. His distinction doesn’t end there; unlike his counterparts, Scotty exudes intelligence and agility, essential traits for safeguarding his digital domain.

Beneath his sleek, jet-black coat lies an advanced AI system designed to detect threats tirelessly, ensuring the integrity of the cryptoverse by sniffing out potential risks, suspicious transactions, and network anomalies.

Central to Scotty’s ecosystem are two key applications, with more innovations on the horizon. Serving as a security protocol, Scotty employs AI in its token swap engine and chatbot, delivering advanced cybersecurity solutions directly onto the blockchain.

Scotty’s swap engine utilizes AI to analyze blockchain data, preemptively identifying threats and facilitating secure token swaps. With his keen instinct for deception and rapid responsiveness, Scotty can swiftly detect and flag suspicious activities, effectively thwarting fraudulent behavior.

As a chatbot, Scotty serves as a knowledgeable oracle, drawing from his extensive experience patrolling the blockchain’s wild terrain. His agility and expertise allow him to detect abnormalities and vulnerabilities, ensuring robust security measures are in place.

In addition to his security role, Scotty takes center stage in an upcoming play-to-earn (P2E) game, catering to a diverse audience with engaging gameplay yet to be unveiled.

$SCOTTY operates on the Ethereum blockchain, embodying the characteristics of a deflationary meme coin while offering real-world utility through the convergence of AI and blockchain analytics. Compliant with the ERC-20 token standard, $SCOTTY ensures broad accessibility and interoperability, with its total supply capped at 1,734,567,890 tokens.

A substantial portion of the token supply, 40%, has been allocated to the ongoing presale, capped at $5.1 million, while an additional 20% is earmarked for staking over a three-year period. Notably, no tokens are allocated to the team, fostering alignment between project goals and community interests.

Strategic listings on prominent decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and centralized exchanges (CEXs) are planned ahead of the launch of Scotty Swap and the beta version of Scotty’s dChat, enhancing the project’s visibility. Moreover, tokens will be listed on leading data aggregators like CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap to bolster Scotty’s presence in the crypto sphere.

The culmination of Scotty’s journey is marked by the “Blockchain Takeover,” signaling the transition to a fully decentralized and community-governed platform, representing a significant milestone in the ecosystem’s evolution.


Scotty the AI’s rapid fundraising success underscores growing investor interest in innovative crypto projects blending AI and blockchain technology. With a clear focus on security and usability, Scotty sets a precedent for meme coins, signaling a shift towards more utility-driven tokens. This surge in support for Scotty reflects a bullish sentiment towards AI-integrated blockchain solutions, likely driving further innovation and investment in the market.
