SDSC’s Endeavor: Advancing Early Wildfire Alerts through Innovative Deep Learning Models


  • SDSC’s WIFIRE Lab pioneers deep learning models for early wildfire detection.
  • Multimodal approach integrates real-time camera feeds, satellite data, and weather information.
  • Three models were introduced: SmokeyNet baseline, SmokeyNet Ensemble, and Multimodal SmokeyNet.
  • Multimodal SmokeyNet showcases substantial accuracy improvement and faster detection.
  • Research involves over 20,000 images across diverse terrains in southern California.
  • GOES satellite data adds an extra layer of insight to the detection models.
  • Multimodal SmokeyNet emerges as the most effective and stable model.
  • Future plans include expanding to different geographical areas and optimizing resource requirements.

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The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego is at the forefront of a groundbreaking initiative to bolster early wildfire detection through the application of cutting-edge deep learning models. Spearheaded by the WIFIRE Lab, an all-encompassing knowledge cyberinfrastructure dedicated to managing data from collection to modeling for various hazards, these efforts signify a crucial stride toward proactive wildfire prevention.

In a recent milestone, the WIFIRE Lab orchestrated a pioneering fusion of diverse data streams, including real-time ground-level camera feeds, satellite-based fire identifications, and meteorological information. This convergence of data sources, referred to as a multimodal approach, establishes a potent framework for detecting wildfires in their nascent stages.

Championing this endeavor are Mai H. Nguyen, Head of Data Analytics at SDSC, and Garrison W. Cottrell, a luminary in the field of Computer Science & Engineering at UC San Diego. Their collective expertise culminated in a seminal publication titled “Multimodal Wildland Fire Smoke Detection in Remote Sensing,” featured in MDPI.

The core of their methodology lies in the adept utilization of deep learning models, AI constructs that harness a cascade of processing layers to progressively comprehend data in increasingly intricate layers of abstraction. This mechanism empowers the model to discern intricate patterns that underlie the dataset, enabling it to make insightful predictions. The study introduces several standout models, including the foundational SmokeyNet, the innovative SmokeyNet Ensemble, and the transformative Multimodal SmokeyNet extension.

At the heart of their work is the SmokeyNet, an ingenious spatiotemporal model that amalgamates three distinct deep learning frameworks: Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), and Vision Transformer (ViT). This synergy generates a robust foundation for smoke detection. Diversifying the approach, the SmokeyNet Ensemble strategically integrates image-derived smoke predictions with meteorological and satellite-based fire forecasts. By amalgamating these disparate inputs, the ensemble computes a weighted synthesis of fire predictions, fostering a comprehensive early alert system.

A pivotal leap arrives with the Multimodal SmokeyNet extension. This extension directly fuses weather data with camera images, forging an innovative pathway that significantly enhances detection precision. The fusion of these modalities results in a refined model capable of tackling real-world complexities.

In the words of Jaspreet Bhamra, the lead author of the study and a former machine learning intern at SDSC, “Our approach hinges on the Fire Ignition images Library (FIgLib) dataset, encompassing a staggering 20,000 images spanning diverse terrains across southern California. These images underwent meticulous analysis by SmokeyNet, culminating in the identification of wildfire smoke. Additionally, we incorporated weather insights gleaned from neighboring weather stations, contributing a holistic perspective.”

The strategic integration of satellite data from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system further enriches the SmokeyNet Ensemble. However, Bhamra underscores that the Ensemble’s performance did not eclipse that of the SmokeyNet baseline. This led to the revelation that both weather data and GOES satellite information served as subtle signals. In stark contrast, the Multimodal SmokeyNet stood out with marked enhancements in accuracy, F1 score, and time-to-detection when juxtaposed with the baseline SmokeyNet model.

Significantly, Bhamra divulged, “We documented a remarkable 13.6 percent augmentation in the time taken to detect initial smoke plumes. The F1 score exhibited a mean improvement of 1.10, coupled with a reduction of 0.32 in standard deviation—a testament to the Multimodal SmokeyNet’s prowess. It unequivocally emerged as the most efficient and stable model among the triad we evaluated.”

Looking ahead, the research team’s trajectory encompasses a broader scope, encompassing additional wildfire scenarios and the leverage of unlabeled data to further fine-tune performance. Nguyen articulates, “Our roadmap encompasses the analysis of data derived from diverse geographical realms and a spectrum of camera types. This step aims to extend the applicability of our approach while simultaneously addressing false positives, including those stemming from low-altitude clouds.”

Resource optimization remains paramount, with the team delving into strategies to streamline computational and memory requirements. This optimization promises to empower real-time smoke detection, bolstering the arsenal in the ongoing battle against wildfires and their consequential devastation.


The integration of state-of-the-art deep learning techniques with diverse data streams represents a pivotal advancement in wildfire detection. SDSC’s research not only enhances accuracy and efficiency but also underscores the potential of AI-driven solutions in combating natural disasters. As the demand for proactive disaster management solutions rises, this breakthrough could pave the way for transformative offerings in the market, benefiting both public safety and environmental preservation.
