Singapore leads in AI investments, allocating 24% of annual budgets., outpacing the US (22%) and Canada (21%)


  • Singapore leads in AI and ML investments, allocating 24% of annual budgets.
  • Outpaces the United States (22%) and Canada (21%), with a global average of 18%.
  • 51% of local businesses are already implementing AI and ML solutions.
  • HR leaders believe AI and ML will enhance strategic value (60%).
  • Finance leaders see them as game-changers (57%).
  • 69% of business leaders expect increased AI and ML investments in five years.

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In the realm of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies, Singapore stands as an unrivaled leader, surpassing even the mighty United States and the world at large. According to data sourced from Workday, Singaporean businesses demonstrate an unwavering commitment, allocating an average of 24% of their annual budget to AI and ML initiatives. This resounding figure places them ahead of the United States, which invests 22%, and Canada, which allocates 21%. It significantly outpaces the global average investment rate of 18%.

However, Singapore’s prowess extends beyond financial commitments; it’s a testament to the nation’s proactive approach in integrating AI and ML into its core business operations. Remarkably, a staggering 51% of local businesses are already in the process of implementing AI and ML solutions to optimize workflows and empower their workforce.

The impact of AI and ML is not limited to operational enhancements; it permeates across various domains. HR leaders, for instance, acknowledge the transformative potential, with six out of ten expressing confidence that AI and ML will elevate HR functions to deliver enhanced strategic value. Similarly, finance leaders, numbering 57%, declare these technologies as complete game changers, reshaping the landscape of finance and procurement.

The forward-looking mindset of Singapore’s business leaders is also evident. A remarkable 69% believe that their organizations will significantly increase investments in AI and ML over the next five years. This visionary outlook cements Singapore’s position as the epicenter of AI and ML innovation, poised to redefine the global business landscape.


Singapore’s aggressive investments in AI and ML technologies, coupled with their proactive adoption across industries, indicate a transformative shift in the global business landscape. This leadership positions Singapore as a hub of innovation, poised to shape the future of business operations and strategic decision-making.
