SK Telecom’s Strategic AI Investments: Pioneering the Future of Search Engines

  • SK Telecom invests $10 million in US-based AI startup Proplexity for Generative AI search engine development.
  • Purple Lexity, an American AI startup, also invests in SK Telecom’s Silicon Valley initiative, GAP Co.
  • Partnership between SK Telecom and Purple Lexity aims to revolutionize AI search engine technologies.
  • Regulatory concerns arise regarding SK Telecom’s AI personal secretary ‘Aidat’ over compliance issues.
  • SK Telecom and Purple Lexity collaboration poised to deliver innovative AI solutions globally.

Main AI News:

SK Telecom recently made a significant move in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), announcing a $10 million investment in the US-based startup “Proplexity.” This investment, amounting to approximately 13.7 billion won, underscores SK Telecom’s commitment to the burgeoning field of Generative AI search engines.

This strategic investment is part of SK Telecom’s broader vision for the future of AI-driven technologies. By partnering with Proplexity, they aim to push the boundaries of AI search engines, paving the way for innovative solutions in the global market.

But SK Telecom isn’t stopping there. In a parallel move, Purple Lexity, an American startup known for its interactive AI search services, has decided to invest in “Global AI Platform Corporation (GAP Co.),” an initiative spearheaded by SK Telecom in Silicon Valley.

Purple Lexity’s investment in GAP Co. signals a convergence of expertise and resources in the AI sector. With this partnership, both entities are poised to disrupt the status quo, offering formidable competition to industry giants like Google.

The collaboration between SK Telecom and Purple Lexity was formalized through a strategic partnership agreement signed at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2024 in Barcelona, Spain. This partnership sets the stage for joint efforts in advancing AI search engine technologies, with a focus on enhancing user experience and expanding market reach.

With SK Telecom’s vast repository of Korean data and cultural content, combined with Purple Lexity’s cutting-edge AI algorithms, the possibilities for innovation are limitless. From personalized assistant services to language translation capabilities, the synergy between these two entities promises to deliver unparalleled solutions to consumers worldwide.

However, amidst these forward-looking endeavors, SK Telecom’s AI personal secretary ‘Aidat’ has encountered regulatory scrutiny. The Personal Information Protection Committee has raised concerns regarding compliance with mandatory safety measures, citing lapses in system access record-keeping.

The committee’s investigation revealed shortcomings in ‘Aidat’s call recording service, highlighting the need for stringent data protection protocols. Addressing these concerns will be paramount for SK Telecom as they continue to navigate the evolving landscape of AI technologies and regulatory frameworks.

As SK Telecom forges ahead with its strategic AI investments, ensuring adherence to regulatory standards will be essential for maintaining consumer trust and sustaining long-term growth in an increasingly digitized world.


SK Telecom’s strategic investments in AI, coupled with partnerships with innovative startups like Purple Lexity, signify a significant shift in the market landscape. By focusing on advancing AI search engine technologies, SK Telecom is positioning itself at the forefront of innovation, poised to disrupt traditional industry players. However, regulatory scrutiny underscores the importance of maintaining compliance and adhering to data protection protocols in an increasingly digitized world.
