Slim.AI’s Annual Container Report: Unveiling the Challenges and Opportunities in Software Supply Chain Security


  • Software supply chain security challenges persist as organizations struggle to meet vulnerability remediation goals.
  • Slim.AI’s annual Container Report reveals that only 12% of security leaders achieve successful vulnerability remediation, with 40% adopting a reactive approach.
  • Collaboration and communication across vendors and organizations are hindered, with 63% managing multiple software producers and 67% facing increased attack surfaces from external container images.
  • Outdated practices such as sharing vulnerability spreadsheets and ad-hoc meetings remain prevalent, with 75% of organizations still using spreadsheets.
  • Alert fatigue and false positives plague organizations, as 44% encounter vulnerabilities requiring immediate attention multiple times a week.
  • Regulatory pressures are on the rise, with one in three organizations grappling with evolving compliance guidelines.
  • Vulnerability backlogs hinder innovation and productivity, affecting 46% of organizations.

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In the ever-evolving landscape of software supply chain security, the stakes have never been higher. Discussions surrounding this critical aspect of IT management have escalated to the boardroom, reflecting the growing recognition of its importance. However, despite the heightened awareness, a significant gap exists when it comes to effectively addressing security concerns in the upstream dependencies of both applications and containers used in production environments.

Slim.AI, the Boston-based startup renowned for its commitment to building a collaborative platform for vulnerability remediation in containers, sheds light on these issues in its third annual Container Report, released today. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the past year, drawing insights from Slim’s internal examination of public container images across major repositories. Moreover, it presents findings from a survey conducted in collaboration with the Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG), providing valuable perspectives from security and software engineering professionals at large organizations.

Key Takeaways from the 2023 Container Report:

  1. The Struggle in Vulnerability Remediation
    1. Only 12% of security leaders reported achieving their vulnerability remediation goals.
    2. A concerning 40% admitted to primarily adopting a reactive approach within their IT operations, security, and DevOps teams.
  2. Software Supply Chain Security: A Team Effort
    1. Companies routinely source software containers from multiple vendors, engaging in hundreds of exchanges each month.
    2. Managing container security across organizational boundaries has become an arduous task, with 63% grappling to oversee numerous software producers. Additionally, 67% acknowledge that external container images increase their attack surface.
  3. The Demise of Spreadsheets: Embracing New Communication Norms in Vulnerability Remediation
    1. Shockingly, 75% of organizations still rely on the outdated practice of sharing vulnerability spreadsheets with their vendor’s SecOps team.
    2. Furthermore, 63% engage in time-consuming ad-hoc meetings with vendors.
    3. An overwhelming 84% of security leaders express the need for a centralized collaboration platform to manage vulnerabilities effectively.
  4. Alert Fatigue and False Positives
    1. Organizations grapple with frequent vulnerability alerts, leading to alert fatigue.
    2. A significant 44% encounter vulnerabilities in production systems that demand immediate attention several times a week, with 36% facing daily detections.
    3. Alarmingly, more than 40% of vulnerability alerts are estimated to be false positives by a majority of organizations.

These findings align with Slim’s data on public containers, revealing a 39% increase in CVE counts in 2023, despite notable progress in open-source package updates, container releases, and incident response since the previous year.

  1. Escalating Regulatory Pressures
    1. Approximately one in three organizations confront evolving compliance and regulatory guidelines.
    2. A staggering 85% are compelled to invest additional effort to adhere to Executive Orders, adding layers of complexity for IT teams.
  2. The Real Cost of Vulnerabilities: Impeding Innovation and Growth
    1. Vulnerability backlogs significantly impede business innovation, performance, productivity, and team dynamics.
    2. Notably, 46% of organizations experience performance issues and downtime due to the ineffective remediation of vulnerabilities in containers.

Melinda Marks, Practice Director of Cybersecurity at ESG, remarked, “As organizations across industries embrace development with containers and cloud services, the research underscores the challenges in managing the increasingly complex software supply chain. Attackers are keen to exploit areas with a high likelihood of errors or carelessness. The good news is that risk reduction opportunities abound when managing the software supply chain effectively and eliminating unnecessary code components to mitigate vulnerabilities.”

To delve deeper into the report’s findings, the public is invited to join a comprehensive review during a webinar on January 9, hosted by Ayse Kaya, Vice President of Strategy and Analytics at Slim and the report’s lead author. Kaya will be joined by Melinda Marks and Slim’s Co-founder and CEO, John Amaral.

In conclusion, Ayse Kaya emphasized, “Our 2023 Public Container Report underscores the reality that software supply chain security remains an enigma for many. Software engineering and security teams are often caught in a defensive stance against an unceasing wave of security challenges. However, our report offers insight into the complexities of vulnerability remediation in the exchange of software, providing hope that enhanced communication and collaboration throughout the supply chain can transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and resilience.”


Slim.AI’s 2023 Container Report highlights the persistent challenges in software supply chain security. The struggle to meet vulnerability remediation goals, communication gaps, and the prevalence of outdated practices call for a paradigm shift in how organizations address security. As the market grapples with these issues, opportunities arise for innovative solutions that streamline collaboration, enhance communication, and mitigate vulnerabilities, ultimately fostering growth and resilience in the ever-evolving landscape of software supply chain security.
