Sorbonne University introduces UnIVAL, an AI model capable of handling image, video, audio, and language tasks


  • Sorbonne University introduces UnIVAL, a unified AI model for image, video, audio, and language tasks.
  • UnIVAL integrates two and all four modalities (text, pictures, video, and audio) in a single architecture.
  • The 0.25 billion parameter model achieves state-of-the-art performance without massive data or model size.
  • Multitask pretraining enhances generalization, even without specific modality pretraining.
  • Weight interpolation combines fine-tuned weights for robust and versatile multimodal models.
  • UnIVAL exhibits object bias and difficulty in complex instructions.

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The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has witnessed remarkable advancements with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs). These powerful models, built on the Transformer architecture, have demonstrated astonishing capabilities in text comprehension and generation, driven by their single next-token prediction approach. However, a significant limitation that hampers their true potential is the inability to access information beyond textual data. This limitation underscores the pressing need for versatile multimodal models capable of seamlessly performing diverse tasks across various modalities.

Recognizing this challenge, researchers at Sorbonne University have embarked on a groundbreaking journey to develop a truly versatile solution. Their brainchild, UnIVAL, represents a milestone in AI research, as it presents a unified architecture that skillfully integrates two modalities and, remarkably, all four modalities—text, pictures, video, and audio.

Unlike its predecessors, UnIVAL is not confined to addressing isolated challenges within individual modalities. Instead, it emerges as the first model capable of tackling intricate problems involving pictures, videos, and audio, all through a unified approach. Furthermore, UnIVAL achieves this feat without demanding extensive data for training or resorting to colossal model sizes. The model, consisting of a mere 0.25 billion parameters, delivers performance on par with previous state-of-the-art models tailored to specific modalities. In fact, several benchmark tasks have shown that UnIVAL surpasses other models of comparable size.

One of the key insights that emerged from the researchers’ endeavors is the immense value of multitask pretraining, compared to conventional single-task pretraining. UnIVAL’s exceptional generalization capabilities are notably enhanced when the model is pretrained on additional modalities, enabling it to achieve competitive performance even without prior audio pretraining when fine-tuned on audio-text problems.

The researchers also delved into the fascinating realm of merging multimodal models through weight interpolation. This novel approach ingeniously combines the strengths of multiple fine-tuned weights, creating robust multitask models without any inference overhead. The unified pretrained model becomes a versatile powerhouse for diverse multimodal tasks, as various fine-tuned weights are averaged, allowing the efficient utilization and recycling of multimodal activities. This groundbreaking research is the first to successfully implement weight interpolation with multimodal baseline models.

However, even as UnIVAL represents a leap forward in AI research, the researchers transparently acknowledge two significant limitations. First, the model is susceptible to hallucinations, particularly in visual descriptions, where it may invent new objects (object bias), prioritizing consistency over accuracy. Second, UnIVAL struggles with complex instructions, demonstrating underperformance when faced with tasks such as identifying a specific object from a group of similar ones, detecting objects at varying distances, or recognizing numbers.

Undeterred by these challenges, the researchers at Sorbonne University are optimistic that their findings will inspire and catalyze the efforts of fellow scientists in developing modality-agnostic generalist assistant agents. UnIVAL’s emergence heralds a new era of AI models, where multimodal integration unlocks unprecedented potential, opening doors to a myriad of applications and pushing the boundaries of AI’s capabilities in the business landscape.


Sorbonne University’s UnIVAL marks a significant advancement in the field of AI multimodal models. By effectively integrating multiple modalities within a unified architecture, UnIVAL eliminates the need for separate models for each task, streamlining the AI development process. Its multitask pretraining and weight interpolation techniques contribute to enhanced generalization and efficiency, making it a powerful tool for various business applications. However, challenges such as object bias and complexity in instructions require further refinement. Companies that can leverage UnIVAL’s capabilities stand to gain a competitive edge, enabling them to develop sophisticated AI solutions that cater to a wide array of multimodal tasks.
