Survey Highlights Growing Influence of AI in Test Automation

  • The survey reveals significant reliance on manual testing for mobile applications.
  • The potential for substantial cost savings through comprehensive automation is highlighted.
  • Nearly half of organizations are already leveraging AI in application testing, with optimistic sentiment prevailing.
  • Anticipated benefits of AI include improved quality, enhanced productivity, and better end-user experiences.
  • Strategic imperative for organizations to streamline testing processes and optimize resource utilization.
  • Challenges include competing priorities, technology constraints, talent shortages, and cost considerations.
  • High stakes of mobile application quality are underscored, with substantial revenue losses attributed to poor quality.
  • A shift towards empowering developers and integrating testing earlier in the software development lifecycle was observed.
  • Automation and AI are poised to reshape testing paradigms, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, scalability, and innovation.

Main AI News:

Recent research conducted by Censuswide on behalf of Tricentis reveals significant trends in the adoption of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) in the realm of software testing. The survey, which polled 1,028 senior IT professionals and application developers across key global markets, sheds light on the evolving landscape of testing methodologies, particularly in the mobile application domain.

An intriguing finding from the survey is that almost half of the respondents (47%) still rely on manual testing for mobile applications. This reliance on manual processes suggests a notable opportunity for organizations to enhance efficiency and effectiveness through automation.

Moreover, the survey underscores the substantial cost-saving potential associated with fully automating mobile application testing. Approximately 38% of respondents indicated that their organizations could save between 51-75% of testing funds annually by embracing automation comprehensively.

AI Emerges as a Game-Changer in Testing

AI emerges as a pivotal force driving transformation in testing practices. Nearly half of the respondents (49%) reported that their organizations are already leveraging AI in application testing, while an additional 21% plan to integrate AI within the next six months. This growing embrace of AI reflects a positive sentiment among organizations, with 74% expressing optimism about AI’s impact on mobile software development testing.

The anticipated benefits of AI implementation in testing are multifaceted. Respondents expect AI to bolster mobile application quality, enhance productivity, improve end-user experiences, and mitigate vulnerabilities and bugs. These expectations underscore AI’s potential to revolutionize testing processes and outcomes.

Strategic Imperatives for Test Automation

Mav Turner, Chief Product and Strategy Officer at Tricentis, emphasizes the strategic shift towards automation within DevOps workflows. Turner highlights the imperative for organizations to streamline testing processes, reduce costs, and optimize resource utilization.

As organizations invest in test automation, they anticipate various benefits, including increased productivity, revenue growth, enhanced user retention, and improved compatibility across devices. However, they also confront notable challenges, such as competing priorities, technology constraints, talent shortages, and cost considerations.

The High Stakes of Mobile Application Quality

The survey underscores the criticality of mobile application quality to business success, with a staggering 87% of respondents affirming its significance. Poor mobile application quality can incur substantial financial losses, with respondents estimating up to $2.49 million in lost revenue annually.

Despite the recognition of quality’s importance, only a modest proportion (27%) believe their organization’s current testing strategies surpass expectations. This perception underscores the ongoing imperative for refining testing methodologies and embracing innovative approaches.

Looking Ahead: Continuous Testing and Developer Empowerment

As organizations strive for continuous improvement in testing, there’s a notable shift towards empowering developers and integrating testing earlier in the software development lifecycle. The objective is to enable seamless testing without impeding code creation, thereby fostering higher-quality applications.

Developers are increasingly leveraging generative AI tools to streamline testing processes and enhance code quality. These tools provide valuable insights and recommendations, facilitating informed decision-making and accelerating the development lifecycle.

In Conclusion

As organizations navigate the complexities of digital transformation, the role of mobile applications becomes increasingly pivotal. Investing in robust testing practices is imperative to ensure seamless user experiences and mitigate revenue risks associated with application failures.

Automation and AI are poised to reshape testing paradigms, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, scalability, and innovation. By embracing automation strategically and empowering developers with AI-driven tools, organizations can elevate the quality and reliability of their mobile applications, thereby driving sustained business success in a rapidly evolving landscape.


The findings underscore the transformative impact of AI on mobile application testing, signaling a paradigm shift in quality assurance practices. Organizations stand to benefit from significant cost savings, enhanced productivity, and improved user experiences. Embracing automation strategically and empowering developers with AI-driven tools will be essential for businesses to maintain competitiveness and drive sustained success in the dynamic mobile application market.
