Tenyx Solves ‘Catastrophic Forgetting’ in LLM Fine-Tuning: A Game-Changer for Enterprise AI


  • Tenyx addresses ‘catastrophic forgetting’ in large language models (LLMs) during fine-tuning.
  • Their innovative methodology preserves prior knowledge and safety measures while allowing customization.
  • Traditional fine-tuning methods risk degrading existing skills and knowledge in LLMs.
  • Tenyx’s approach outperforms competitors, reducing ‘catastrophic forgetting’ by threefold.
  • Safety measures are retained at an impressive 11% strength compared to competitors’ 66-94% erosion.
  • Tenyx’s solution aligns with evolving regulatory standards for trustworthy AI.
  • The startup’s background in customer service AI positions it as an industry leader.
  • Enterprises can now confidently customize LLMs without compromising core capabilities.

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In the realm of enterprise voice AI, Tenyx is making waves with its groundbreaking solution to the persistent problem of ‘catastrophic forgetting’ in large language models (LLMs) during fine-tuning. This innovative technique not only enhances the performance of LLMs but also ensures that prior knowledge and safety measures remain intact, allowing businesses to tailor these models to their specific needs without compromising their core capabilities.

The Challenge of Catastrophic Forgetting

Traditionally, fine-tuning LLMs involved exposing them to new data, a process aimed at improving their performance. However, this approach had an unintended consequence: it often resulted in the degradation of previously acquired skills and knowledge. Rectifying these distortions in complex, large-scale models posed a significant challenge. Moreover, existing solutions struggled to preserve critical safety mechanisms, such as reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), which plays a pivotal role in preventing AI systems from generating harmful outputs.

Tenyx’s Innovative Approach

Tenyx’s pioneering solution hinges on a deep understanding of how knowledge is encoded in LLMs. By leveraging mathematical interpretations, the company ensures that prior learning and reasoning are preserved during customization. Crucially, Tenyx’s approach retains RLHF safeguards, offering businesses the best of both worlds: customization and core capabilities.

According to Itamar Arel, CEO of Tenyx, “In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI, our commitment has always been to address its inherent challenges head-on. With this novel methodology, we’re not just pioneering an advanced solution; we’re revolutionizing the way enterprises utilize LLMs. Our innovation ensures that businesses no longer have to choose between customization and core capabilities. They can confidently enjoy the best of both worlds.”

A Background in Customer Service AI

Tenyx initially made its mark as an automated customer service voice AI provider. Founded by the team behind drive-thru restaurant voice AI provider Apprente, which was later acquired by McDonald’s in 2019 for its McD Tech Labs division before being purchased by IBM. Tenyx’s foundation in neuroscience-inspired AI, designed to comprehend intent and respond appropriately, aligns perfectly with its innovative technique.

Proven Results

Tenyx’s approach has been rigorously tested against popular LLM tuning methods from industry leaders like OpenAI and Anthropic. The results speak for themselves. Tenyx’s approach demonstrated superior performance in enterprise use cases, effectively mitigating ‘catastrophic forgetting’ three times better than alternatives. Remarkably, it incurred just a 3% loss of prior knowledge compared to the 10-40% losses seen with other methods. Furthermore, Tenyx’s approach retained safety measures at an impressive 11% strength, outperforming the 66-94% erosion observed with other techniques.

A Safer Fine-Tuning Approach for Evolving Standards

Tenyx’s emphasis on preserving knowledge and safety measures is particularly timely in the context of evolving regulatory standards, including the White House’s executive order on Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy AI. With Tenyx’s game-changing solution, enterprises can embrace AI customization with confidence, knowing that their models remain reliable, safe, and robust.


Tenyx’s groundbreaking solution to ‘catastrophic forgetting’ in large language models is poised to revolutionize the enterprise AI market. By enabling businesses to customize LLMs without sacrificing core capabilities or safety measures, Tenyx is paving the way for more versatile and reliable AI applications. This innovation aligns perfectly with evolving regulatory standards for trustworthy AI, making Tenyx a frontrunner in the industry.
