The AI Symposium: A Gateway to Profound Insights and Business Advancement for Channel Partners


  • The Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Las Vegas will host the AI Symposium from March 11-14.
  • Keynote sessions will cover AI’s impact on tech support, cybersecurity, sales, marketing, and overall business success.
  • Chris Carter will discuss AI’s role in transforming tech support, emphasizing collaboration between AI and IT staff.
  • Raffaele Mautone will explore how AI will revolutionize the cybersecurity landscape.
  • Jason Lowe will moderate a panel on AI strategies for enhancing customer experiences.
  • Allison Bergamo will showcase how AI can supercharge sales and revenue growth.

Main AI News:

The upcoming Channel Partners Conference & Expo, alongside the MSP Summit, scheduled for March 11-14 in vibrant Las Vegas, is set to host an exceptional lineup of keynote presentations and conference sessions as part of the highly anticipated AI Symposium. This symposium is designed to equip partners with the knowledge needed to navigate the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI) and to anticipate the manifold ways in which AI will revolutionize the channel in the forthcoming years.

Within the encompassing realm of the AI Symposium, participants can expect comprehensive coverage of topics such as the transformation of tech support, bolstering cybersecurity, enhancing sales and marketing strategies, and ultimately achieving unprecedented levels of overall business success. Without a doubt, there is no topic as sizzling and transformative in the channel right now as AI.

Kicking off the symposium on March 11, the event will have the privilege of hosting Chris Carter, the distinguished chairman and CEO of Approyo, who will be delivering a captivating presentation titled “Revolutionary AI Technology Transforms Tech Support for Faster, More Efficient Solutions for IT Departments.” In this insightful session, attendees will gain invaluable insights into how AI technology has empowered tech support to provide quicker and more efficient solutions for IT departments. Mr. Carter will elucidate how IT departments can harness AI’s capabilities to complement their staff rather than displacing them, thereby fostering a synergistic relationship.

Also gracing the stage on March 11 is the esteemed Raffaele Mautone, founder and CEO of Judy Security, who will present a thought-provoking session titled “AI Symposium: How Will AI Change the Cybersecurity Landscape?” Mr. Mautone will delve into the profound ways in which AI technology is poised to reshape the cybersecurity landscape, encompassing aspects such as heightened efficiency, scalability, proactive threat detection, reduced downtime, improved decision-making processes, and much more.

The AI Symposium doesn’t stop there; March 12 brings the erudite Jason Lowe, senior solution architect of CX and AI at Telarus, who will be moderating a panel discussion entitled “Navigating the Future: Customer-Centric AI Strategies for Business Success.” This engaging panel will unveil the transformative potential of AI in enhancing customer experiences and will explore how AI-driven insights have the power to reshape interactions between businesses and their valued customers.

Continuing the symposium on March 13, the event has the pleasure of welcoming Allison Bergamo, the accomplished principal of Bergamo Marketing Group, to lead the session titled “Harness the Power of AI to Supercharge Sales and Accelerate Revenue Growth.” Ms. Bergamo will elucidate the myriad ways in which businesses can leverage AI’s capabilities to empower their sales teams and drive revenue growth to unprecedented heights.


The AI Symposium at Channel Partners highlights the pivotal role of AI in reshaping various aspects of the business landscape. From improving tech support and cybersecurity to enhancing customer experiences and driving revenue growth, AI is poised to revolutionize the market, offering substantial opportunities for businesses willing to embrace this transformative technology.
