The Chief Financial Officer of PepsiCo believes that the potential for AI is vast, but it is important to approach its use with responsibility


  • PepsiCo Vice Chairman and CFO Hugh Johnston discussed the company’s approach to artificial intelligence (AI) in an interview with Yahoo Finance Live.
  • Unlike competitor Coca-Cola, PepsiCo is taking a more measured approach to AI and is responsible for its experimentation with the technology.
  • The company has filed a responsible AI framework with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and is taking steps to protect employee and consumer data.
  • PepsiCo is using AI in a controlled environment to develop new products, analyze sales, and increase safety in its warehouses.
  • Despite the cautious approach, PepsiCo is fully invested in AI and recognizes its potential.
  • PepsiCo’s solid Q1 performance and optimistic outlook, combined with its responsible approach to AI, demonstrates its commitment to responsible innovation.

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In a recent interview with Yahoo Finance Live, PepsiCo Vice Chairman and CFO Hugh Johnston discussed the company’s approach to the ongoing artificial intelligence (AI) debate. Unlike its competitor Coca-Cola, who has taken a more hyped stance on AI, PepsiCo is taking a more measured approach.

Johnston stated that while the company is experimenting with AI in its daily operations, they are also being responsible for its approach. PepsiCo has filed a responsible AI framework with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and is taking steps to protect employee and consumer data. The company is using AI in a controlled environment to develop new products, analyze sales, and increase safety in its warehouses.

Despite the cautious approach to AI, PepsiCo is fully invested in the technology and recognizes its potential. The company is using AI in a responsible way to maximize its benefits, said Johnston.

PepsiCo’s solid Q1 performance and optimistic outlook, combined with its measured approach to AI, is a testament to its commitment to responsible innovation. As a leader in the industry, PepsiCo is setting an example for how companies can embrace cutting-edge technology while prioritizing the protection of their employees and consumers.


PepsiCo’s measured approach to artificial intelligence (AI) demonstrates the company’s commitment to responsible innovation and prioritizing the protection of its employees and consumers. Their solid Q1 performance and optimistic outlook, combined with their investment in AI, position PepsiCo as a leader in the industry and a company to watch in the market.

This responsible approach to AI is likely to be well received by consumers and stakeholders, as it shows that the company is not just focused on profits but also on the impact of its actions on the wider community. Overall, this is positive news for the market and indicates that PepsiCo is poised for continued growth and success.
