The Fusion of IoT, AI, and Big Data in Industry 4.0: Safeguarding Private Networks Amidst Risks

  • Integration of IoT, AI, and big data in Industry 4.0 heightens security challenges for private 5G networks.
  • Mauricio Sanchez from Dell’Oro Group emphasizes risks like unauthorized access, rogue devices, and supply chain vulnerabilities.
  • Access control is crucial for securing private 5G networks, limiting access to authorized devices and personnel.
  • A multi-layered security strategy including network segmentation and continuous monitoring is advised.
  • On-premises core and RAN configurations offer maximum security but entail higher costs, while on-premises RAN with a public core presents a pragmatic alternative.

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The amalgamation of IoT, AI, and big data within Industry 4.0 brings forth an array of challenges for securing private 5G networks. Mauricio Sanchez, Senior Director of Enterprise Security and Networking Research at Dell’Oro Group, highlights the escalating risk landscape due to the proliferation of devices and intricate networks.

Convergence of these technologies amplifies the potential for sophisticated cyber attacks, posing threats to data privacy and integrity,” Sanchez warns. He emphasizes the peril of interconnectivity with public networks, which could lead to vulnerabilities proliferating across networks. Moreover, the global supply chain’s involvement exacerbates security concerns, where a single breach could jeopardize the entire network. Sanchez underscores the necessity for unwavering vigilance and regular security updates in the face of ever-evolving technologies.

Sanchez delineates the security risks inherent in private 5G networks within industrial environments, encompassing unauthorized access, rogue devices, device security, network configuration, management, supply chain, interconnectivity, physical security, and insider threats.

Addressing the pivotal role of access control solutions in fortifying mission-critical private 5G networks, Sanchez stresses the imperative of stringent access control to thwart unauthorized access and avert data breaches.

Companies should adopt a multi-layered security strategy to fortify private 5G networks,” Sanchez advises. “This includes robust access control measures to restrict network access solely to authorized devices and personnel. Regular system updates and patching are imperative to mitigate known vulnerabilities. Network segmentation aids in isolating critical systems, thereby curtailing the impact of potential breaches. Additionally, continuous monitoring coupled with anomaly detection tools is indispensable for real-time threat identification and mitigation.”

Sanchez underscores the significance of ongoing monitoring and maintenance to combat evolving cyber threats. “Continuous monitoring enables early threat detection, while regular updates mitigate new vulnerabilities, ensuring data security and operational continuity. Such a proactive security approach is indispensable in navigating the dynamic threat landscape.”

Regarding the security implications of private networks with on-premises core and RAN versus on-premises RAN, public core setups, the Dell’Oro analyst delineates that an on-premises core and RAN configuration offers maximal security and control, ideal for organizations prioritizing data protection and sovereignty, despite associated higher costs and complexity. However, he notes that an on-premises RAN with a public core presents a pragmatic alternative for those seeking to balance operational efficiency with security, provided they carefully select public core providers with robust security protocols.


The convergence of IoT, AI, and big data in Industry 4.0 necessitates a robust security approach for private 5G networks. Companies must prioritize access control, network segmentation, and continuous monitoring to mitigate evolving cyber threats. While on-premises configurations offer optimal security, organizations must carefully weigh costs and complexities against operational efficiency when considering network setups.
