The Journey of Brock University’s Canada Research Chair in Biomedical Data Science

  • Canada Research Chairs program invests up to $311 million annually to attract top talents.
  • Yifeng Li, Assistant Professor at Brock, channels childhood experiences into pioneering research.
  • Li’s work focuses on using AI and machine learning for drug development and disease treatment.
  • His interdisciplinary journey spans mathematics, computer science, and computational biology.
  • Li is committed to bridging academia with policy and fostering mentorship.

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The federal government’s Canada Research Chairs program allocates up to $311 million annually to attract and retain top-tier talents worldwide. These Chairholders are acknowledged as leading authorities both nationally and internationally across various domains, encompassing engineering, natural sciences, health sciences, humanities, and social sciences. Brock University presently boasts 11 active Canada Research Chairs, with more yet to be disclosed. In this recurring feature, we delve into the endeavors and experiences of Brock’s Chairholders.

The narrative of Yifeng Li, Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Biological Sciences, resonates with a profound childhood connection to the rustic landscapes of China. Raised amidst the tranquility of the countryside, Li found solace in the companionship of the family’s cherished pets, particularly following the sudden loss of his grandmother to cardiovascular disease. Tragedy struck early in Li’s life with the passing of his grandfather, a victim of cancer before Li’s birth.

Reflecting on these formative experiences, Li shares, “These early childhood experiences inspired me to pursue knowledge and wisdom with the faith of goodness, and eventually become a researcher for the betterment of our community.”

Fast forward to the present, and Li stands as a beacon of innovation in the realms of Computer Science and Biological Sciences. His journey intertwines a passion for mathematics with a relentless pursuit of solutions to ailments that once afflicted his own kin. As the Canada Research Chair in Machine Learning for Biomedical Data Science, Li spearheads groundbreaking initiatives in bioinformatics, an evolving domain devoted to unraveling intricate patterns within vast biological datasets through software tools and methodologies.

Li’s research nucleus orbits around the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, aimed at refining pharmaceutical formulations to combat a spectrum of maladies such as cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer’s disease while mitigating adverse side effects. Central to Li’s ethos and professional trajectory is an unwavering appreciation for the mathematical precision underpinning these endeavors.

Educationally, Li’s odyssey traverses continents, including a master’s journey at the Qilu University of Technology in China, where he marveled at the elegance of mathematical constructs elucidating the minutiae of phenomena. Even during his doctoral pursuit at the University of Windsor, Li gravitated towards the mathematical realm, traversing floors to attend seminars and courses, recognizing the symbiotic relationship between mathematics and computer science.

Li’s interdisciplinary voyage extends into computational biology, where he orchestrates the synergy between computing, mathematics, and life sciences. Leveraging cutting-edge computational tools, Li and his adept team engineer algorithms to decipher complex relationships within biological entities, fostering insights beyond the purview of conventional methodologies.

In Li’s vision, technological prowess transcends the confines of laboratory settings, resonating with a fervent desire to cultivate synergies beyond academia’s ivory towers. Engaging with policymakers at the 2023 Science Meets Parliament event, Li gleaned invaluable insights into governmental science initiatives, fortifying his resolve to bridge the chasm between science and policy.

Notably, Li’s ardor extends to mentorship, wherein he espouses a holistic approach to nurturing budding talents. Emphasizing the multifaceted nature of mentorship, Li imparts not only technical expertise but also instills a sense of vision and responsibility in his protégés, echoing the sentiment that each student is akin to a cherished kin.


Yifeng Li’s trajectory exemplifies the synergy between academic rigor and real-world impact within the Canada Research Chairs program. His pioneering research not only pushes the boundaries of biomedical sciences but also underscores the imperative for interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing complex societal challenges. This highlights a growing market demand for innovative solutions that marry technological prowess with humanitarian ethos, driving opportunities for collaboration and investment in the healthcare and biotechnology sectors.
