Thousands of White Hat Hackers to Test Their Skills Against Generative AI at Def Con Convention


  • Def Con conference to host AI Village initiative focused on attacking large language models (LLMs)
  • Participants will use laptops provided by Def Con to test AI models provided by Anthropic, Google, Hugging Face, Nvidia, OpenAI, and Stability.
  • Microsoft will support the event, and testers will use an evaluation platform developed by Scale AI.
  • A capture-the-flag-style point system will incentivize testing for a wide range of issues, with the highest scorer winning a high-end Nvidia GPU.
  • LLMs present significant security issues, including hallucinations, jailbreaks, bias, and a drastic increase in capabilities.
  • The event will be a collaborative effort, bringing together hackers, community groups, non-profit groups, and government supporters.
  • The AI Village event will shed new light on the security issues surrounding LLMs and pave the way for future developments in the field of generative AI.

Main AI News:

The upcoming Def Con conference, scheduled for August 10-13, 2023, is poised to become a major event in the field of generative AI algorithms. In particular, the conference will feature a groundbreaking event focused on attacking large language models (LLMs), which are a key component of many generative AI systems.

The upcoming AI Village event at Def Con promises to be a game-changer in the field of AI security. This first-ever public generative AI red team event is expected to attract thousands of security professionals, students, and white hat hackers, all eager to test LLM services. LLMs, or large language models, are becoming increasingly popular for various applications, from chatbots and virtual assistants to content generation and data analysis. These models are extremely powerful, offering an unprecedented explosion of creativity, but with great power comes even greater security issues.

At the AIV initiative, some of the biggest names in the industry, including Anthropic, Google, Hugging Face, Nvidia, OpenAI, Stability, and Microsoft, will provide LLM services for red teams to test and evaluate. To address the security issues posed by LLMs, participants will use laptops provided by Def Con, and they will have timed access to multiple LLMs. The event will use a capture-the-flag-style point system to promote testing for a wide range of issues, with red teams expected to follow the “hacker hippocratic oath” to ensure ethical hacking.

Sven Cattell, the founder of AI Village, believes that traditional approaches to addressing security issues posed by LLMs are insufficient. The Def Con event provides a unique opportunity for hackers and other security professionals to identify more problems within LLM services. By adapting bug bounties, live hacking events, and other community engagements in security, the event is expected to shed new light on the security issues surrounding LLMs and pave the way for future developments in the field of generative AI.

The August AI Village event will be a collaborative effort, bringing together hackers, partners from community groups, non-profit groups, and even government supporters. This event is expected to result in a better understanding of the potential risks and vulnerabilities of LLM technologies, paving the way for more effective security measures. As LLM technologies continue to advance, it is crucial that we have a better understanding of their potential risks and vulnerabilities so that we can develop more effective security measures to protect against them. This event will be a significant step towards achieving this goal.


The upcoming Def Con conference and the AI Village initiative focused on attacking large language models (LLMs) represent a significant development in the field of generative AI. As LLMs continue to be used in a growing number of applications, ranging from chatbots and virtual assistants to content generation and data analysis, it is becoming increasingly important to identify and address the security issues that they present.

The Def Con event provides a unique opportunity to test and evaluate LLM services provided by some of the biggest names in the industry, helping to shed new light on the potential risks and vulnerabilities associated with these technologies. This will be particularly important for businesses that rely on LLMs, as they will need to be aware of the potential risks and take appropriate measures to protect their systems and data. Overall, the Def Con event is a significant development that underscores the growing importance of AI security and highlights the need for continued research and collaboration in this area.
