Transforming Customer Feedback: evaluagentCX Introduces AI-Driven NPS Solution

  • evaluagentCX unveils xNPS, an AI-powered Expected Net Promoter Score feature.
  • xNPS replaces post-contact surveys with AI-generated feedback from every interaction.
  • Achieves a 100% interaction coverage, eliminating reliance on historical data.
  • Seamless activation process and integration with automated QA workflows.
  • Early access program available for evaluagentCX users to test the feature.

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In a groundbreaking move, evaluagentCX introduces xNPS (Expected Net Promoter Score), a cutting-edge feature poised to transform the landscape of customer feedback in contact centers. Developed by evaluagent, a renowned leader in contact center quality assurance and performance enhancement software, xNPS leverages advanced AI algorithms to deliver insightful feedback from every customer interaction, rendering traditional post-contact surveys obsolete.

Unlike conventional surveys with a paltry response rate averaging at a mere 3%, xNPS generates scores from 100% of interactions, eliminating the need for historical data to kickstart operations. This innovative solution promises contact centers unparalleled depth and accuracy in understanding customer sentiment, marking a significant departure from the limitations of conventional survey methodologies.

With a seamless one-click activation process, xNPS represents evaluagent’s inaugural foray into predictive analytics, laying the groundwork for integrating NPS ratings and other key metrics into automated quality assurance workflows. By enabling contact centers to identify and analyze must-monitor customer conversations in real-time, xNPS empowers them to proactively address issues and capitalize on opportunities to enhance the overall customer experience.

Following rigorous in-house testing with overwhelmingly positive results, evaluagent’s Product team is now inviting evaluagentCX users to participate in an exclusive early access program to evaluate the xNPS feature firsthand. Nadine Edmondson, Director of Product Marketing and GTM, emphasizes the transformative impact of xNPS on customer insight, stating, “With xNPS, evaluagentCX users gain access to a comprehensive view of customer sentiment that transcends individual agent performance metrics. By leveraging this wealth of data, organizations can make data-driven decisions, identify areas for improvement, and drive positive outcomes across all facets of their operations.

The xNPS early access program is now open for enrollment to all evaluagentCX users, offering a unique opportunity to harness the power of AI-driven customer feedback and revolutionize the way contact centers perceive and respond to customer sentiment.


The introduction of evaluagentCX’s xNPS marks a significant leap forward in the contact center industry, revolutionizing the way customer feedback is collected and analyzed. By harnessing the power of AI to deliver comprehensive insights from every interaction, contact centers can now make informed decisions, enhance customer experiences, and drive positive business outcomes. This innovation underscores the growing demand for data-driven solutions that enable organizations to adapt and thrive in an increasingly competitive market landscape.
