UCLA Study Reveals Astonishing Analogical Problem-Solving Prowess of Large Language Models


  • UCLA study highlights LLMs’ remarkable analogy-solving capability.
  • Analogical reasoning is central to human intelligence and innovation.
  • Advanced language models (LLMs) exhibit autonomous reasoning and abstract pattern recognition.
  • Research compares LLMs and human analogical reasoning across tasks.
  • GPT-3 excels in grasping abstract patterns, often outperforming humans.
  • GPT-4 trials show even more promising results.
  • Text-davinci-003 shines in analogy tasks, along with earlier model versions.
  • GPT-3 adept at letter-string, verbal, and story analogies without training.
  • This research expands understanding of LLM potential in reasoning through analogy.

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Analogical reasoning stands as a cornerstone of human intellect, driving innovative solutions by systematically drawing parallels with familiar scenarios when faced with novel challenges. This approach not only governs our approach to everyday conundrums but also fuels our creative thinking and propels the boundaries of scientific exploration.

In the realm of Deep Learning and Large Language Models (LLMs), the capacity for analogical reasoning has been a subject of intensive investigation. These advanced language models exhibit an inherent capability for autonomous reasoning and discerning abstract patterns, mirroring the bedrock of human cognitive prowess.

A groundbreaking research effort led by the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), has brilliantly illuminated the genuine potential harbored within LLMs. Garnering significant acclaim, this study’s consequential insights have found a prestigious platform in the latest installment of Nature Human Behavior. The publication, titled “Emergent Analogical Reasoning in Advanced Language Models,” underscores how these models transcend mere statistical mimicry to genuinely emulate human-like thinking.

This landmark research embarked on a riveting tête-à-tête between human analysts and a formidable language model, specifically text-davinci-003—an iteration of the formidable GPT-3—across an array of analogical exercises.

The scientists dissected GPT-3’s efficacy in diverse analogy-based challenges, meticulously pitting it against human responses sans any preliminary training. These tasks encompassed intricate text-based matrix reasoning puzzles, drawing inspiration from Raven’s Standard Progressive Matrices (SPM), renowned for their rule-bound complexity. Additionally, a visual analogy task was executed, further pushing the model’s cognitive limits.

The bedrock for the model’s prowess lay in its foundation, sculpted through training on an extensive compendium of real-world language data, surmounting a staggering 400 billion tokens. This learning process revolved around predicting the subsequent token in a given sequence, fostering a nuanced understanding of linguistic coherence.

This holistic evaluation encompassed four distinct categories of tasks, each masterfully tailored to unravel diverse dimensions of analogical reasoning:

  1. Text-based matrix reasoning trials
  2. Letter-string analogies
  3. Four-term verbal correlations
  4. Story-based analogies

Within these domains, a direct comparison between the model and human performance unraveled the model’s overall efficacy and error patterns—mirroring human cognitive strategies.

The results were nothing short of remarkable: GPT-3 astounded with its propensity to apprehend intricate abstract patterns, often rivaling or even surpassing human competence across multiple scenarios. Early glimpses into GPT-4 trials showcased even more auspicious outcomes, reaffirming the model’s remarkable knack for intuitively deciphering a myriad of analogy conundrums.

Furthermore, the study unearthed that text-davinci-003 demonstrated exceptional prowess in analogy-based tasks. Intriguingly, earlier iterations of the model also exhibited commendable performance in specific scenarios, suggesting a synergy of factors that bolstered text-davinci-003’s remarkable aptitude for analogical reasoning.

Notably, GPT-3 exhibited pronounced proficiency in handling letter string analogies, four-term verbal associations, and identifying analogies woven within narratives, all without any preliminary training. These discoveries augment our comprehension of the evolving potential of advanced language models, underscoring the innate aptitude these models possess for analogical reasoning—a faculty that appears to be intrinsically ingrained within the most cutting-edge iterations.


The findings of the UCLA research shed light on the extraordinary capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in unraveling complex analogical challenges. With advanced models like GPT-3 and promising glimpses from GPT-4, these systems display a penchant for abstract pattern recognition comparable to human cognitive processes. This revelation marks a significant development in the AI landscape, signifying a growing market demand for LLMs that can not only understand language intricacies but also effectively reason and solve problems across diverse domains.
