Unlocking the Future of Cybersecurity: Info-Tech Research Group’s Blueprint for Streamlining Security Operations


  • Info-Tech Research Group unveils a comprehensive automation roadmap for enhanced cybersecurity.
  • The rise of automated cyber threats necessitates robust security measures.
  • Automation streamlines security processes, boosting speed and precision.
  • A four-step roadmap guides organizations in implementing automation effectively.
  • Automation represents a strategic shift, empowering security leaders to proactively address barriers.
  • The resource emphasizes a proactive approach in leveraging automation for robust defense.

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In an era where cybersecurity threats have evolved into highly sophisticated and automated adversaries, the demand for robust security measures has never been more urgent. Security teams are grappling with the overwhelming challenges of alert fatigue, fragmented tools, and time-consuming manual procedures. The solution to these predicaments lies in the adoption of automation within security operations. Yet, while automation promises to be a game-changer, its implementation is not without hurdles, including steep learning curves, cost justifications, and internal resistance.

To guide organizations through this transformative journey and harness the full potential of automation, Info-Tech Research Group, a global IT research and advisory firm, has unveiled its latest research-backed masterpiece: “Crafting an Automation Roadmap for Effortless Security Processes.”

This invaluable resource provides deep insights and pragmatic tools, enabling organizations to navigate the intricate realm of security process automation. It charts a clear course for evaluating the maturity of existing security processes, identifying ripe opportunities for automation, and constructing a comprehensive roadmap for the future.

Fred Chagnon, Principal Research Director at Info-Tech Research Group, remarks, “Information security practitioners are fatigued, spending the majority of their time on tedious manual tasks. These tasks, often necessary for regulatory compliance, lack the speed and precision required to effectively safeguard against increasingly automated and AI-powered attackers. Security personnel are acutely aware of this discrepancy, and it fuels their disengagement.”

Info-Tech’s research explores the substantial benefits of automating security processes, marking a significant shift from labor-intensive practices to streamlined, efficient systems. The analysis underscores how automation can revolutionize the security landscape, enabling teams to tackle tasks with unprecedented speed and precision. This transformation is pivotal in staying ahead of the ever-evolving cyber threats. By automating routine and repetitive tasks, security professionals can redirect their focus toward strategic endeavors, ultimately enhancing their organization’s overall security posture.

The adoption of a well-structured automation roadmap is swiftly becoming a necessity for organizations striving to fortify their defenses, mitigate human errors, and maintain a formidable security stance in today’s intricate digital milieu.

Chagnon further elucidates, “Implementing automation within security processes is a formidable challenge. For instance, streamlining processes with automation becomes complex when an enterprise employs an average of 50 disparate technology tools for cyber defense, each failing to integrate seamlessly with the others. A successful automation roadmap must be multifaceted, encompassing initiatives that render automation more suitable, valuable, and less risky for specific processes. In doing so, security practitioners can automate what is feasible while dismantling the barriers impeding automation.”

Info-Tech’s research underscores that automating security processes transcends mere technological upgrades; it signifies a strategic paradigm shift in cybersecurity management. This holistic framework empowers security leaders to not only streamline and automate their security operations but also proactively identify and surmount potential impediments to automation.

The blueprint outlines a meticulous four-step roadmap for security leaders to automate security processes:

  1. Assess Maturity: Initiate the journey by evaluating the current state of all security processes, ranging from ad hoc to fully autonomous.
  2. Diagnose Suitability, Value, and Risk: Prior to diving into details, conduct a thorough assessment of whether the processes are suitable for automation, weighing the potential value against any inherent risks.
  3. Determine Feasibility: Assess the feasibility of automating a process, considering factors such as available tools, training, and cost implications. Ensure the presence of prerequisites like technological foundations, adequate training, and budgetary considerations.
  4. Deliver Automation Roadmap: The path to continuous automation of security processes is achieved by blending initiatives that implement automation with those that make automation more suitable, risk-free, and feasible. Prioritize and sequence these initiatives into distinct waves and present the roadmap to stakeholders.

Info-Tech’s resource accentuates the transformative potential of a well-structured automation roadmap in fortifying an organization’s security posture. This multifaceted approach empowers organizations to elevate their security defenses, rendering them agile, responsive, and highly effective against the sophisticated threats of the digital age.

The roadmap offers security leaders a strategic framework for evaluating and implementing automation, ensuring that each step contributes to a more resilient and robust security infrastructure. In doing so, organizations transition from being reactive to technological advancements to proactively harnessing them to bolster their defenses.


The release of Info-Tech Research Group’s automation roadmap signals a significant step in the evolution of cybersecurity. As automation becomes imperative in countering advanced cyber threats, this blueprint equips organizations to fortify their defenses, reduce human errors, and embrace a proactive stance in securing their digital assets. This development underscores the growing need for automation solutions in the cybersecurity market, positioning Info-Tech as a key influencer in this space.
