Unlocking the Power of Knowledge Graphs: Concept2Box’s Dual Geometric Innovation


  • Concept2Box bridges the gap between high-level concepts and fine-grained entities in knowledge graphs.
  • Traditional methods often overlook the distinction between ontology-view and instance-view in knowledge graphs.
  • Concept2Box employs dual geometric representations, turning concepts into geometric boxes and entities into vectors.
  • This approach enhances the understanding of complex relationships and hierarchical structures within knowledge graphs.
  • Concept2Box introduces a novel vector-to-box distance metric for a seamless blend of concept and entity embeddings.
  • Experimental evaluations on DBpedia and an industrial knowledge graph demonstrate Concept2Box’s effectiveness.

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In the vast realm of knowledge graphs, a revolutionary breakthrough has emerged – Concept2Box. This cutting-edge approach bridges the chasm between high-level concepts and fine-grained entities within these intricate networks of data. Traditional methods may have overlooked a crucial dichotomy: the coexistence of overarching conceptual frameworks (ontology view) and specific individual entities (instance view). Typically, knowledge graph embeddings (KGE) treat all nodes as vectors in a single hidden space.

Imagine a knowledge graph as a two-sided coin, with each side offering a distinct perspective. On one side lies the ontology-view knowledge graph, adorned with high-level concepts and meta-relations. On the other, we have the instance-view knowledge graph, rich with intricate details of specific instances and relations. The magic happens at the intersection, where cross-view links weave connections between these two realms. Enter Concept2Box, designed to harness dual geometric embeddings.

Under the Concept2Box paradigm, every concept metamorphoses into a geometric box within the latent space, while entities remain as point vectors. This revolutionary approach goes beyond conventional single geometric representations, which struggle to capture the nuanced structural disparities between the two knowledge graph perspectives and lack probabilistic depth concerning concept granularity.

In contrast, Concept2Box introduces a paradigm shift by simultaneously embedding both perspectives of a knowledge graph using dual geometric representations. Concepts are elegantly portrayed through box embeddings, opening the gateway to learning hierarchical structures and intricate relationships, such as overlaps and disjointness.

The volume of these conceptual boxes mirrors the granularity of the underlying concepts, creating a dynamic and precise representation. Entities, on the other hand, retain their vector-based representation. To seamlessly bridge the gap between concept box embeddings and entity vector embeddings, Concept2Box introduces a groundbreaking vector-to-box distance metric. This metric not only fosters enhanced comprehension but also facilitates joint learning of both embeddings.

The real-world applicability of Concept2Box has been rigorously tested through experimental evaluations. These evaluations encompassed the widely recognized DBpedia knowledge graph, as well as an industrially tailored knowledge graph. The results resoundingly affirm the effectiveness of Concept2Box, showcasing its potential to transform how we navigate and derive insights from knowledge graphs.


Concept2Box represents a significant advancement in the field of knowledge graph representation. Its dual geometric approach not only improves comprehension but also has the potential to reshape how businesses leverage knowledge graphs for enhanced insights and decision-making. By addressing the challenges of multilingual and structurally diverse knowledge graphs, Concept2Box is poised to offer valuable solutions in an evolving market landscape.
