Unveiling AI Proficiency: Tracking Mario’s Skill Evolution Live on TikTok


  • TikTok hosts live streams of AI learning to play Super Mario World.
  • Rupert, an AI named by Join The PCMasterRace, conquers level 2 through iterative learning.
  • Rupert’s approach mimics human learning by repeating actions and improving over time.
  • The AI’s strategy is founded on neural networks simulating natural selection.
  • MarI/O, an open-source program, facilitates AI learning in this endeavor.
  • Fitness scores and generational evolution refine Rupert’s performance.
  • Seth Hendrickson’s MarI/O sheds light on AI mechanisms, illustrating how AI models learn and adapt.
  • Comparison is drawn between MarI/O’s simplicity and ChatGPT’s complexity.
  • Challenges emerge as AI endeavors into vertical level navigation.
  • Rupert’s journey signifies the intersection of AI, innovation, and entertainment on TikTok.

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Within the vibrant landscape of TikTok, amid makeup tutorials, life-enhancing tricks, and viral jests, a realm of artificial intelligence challenges has emerged. This past week, the platform has been host to a live-streamed saga chronicling an AI’s quest to master the iconic Super Mario World. At the forefront of this digital odyssey stands Rupert, a sentient entity born of code, and it has just triumphantly conquered the enigma of level 2.

Rupert’s progression echoes the sentiments of any mortal who has grasped a Super Nintendo controller for the first time. It sprints, vaults, collides with adversaries, teeters off precipices, and meets its demise repeatedly and unwaveringly. With each cessation of its digital heartbeat, Rupert rebounds, reattempting the same patterns that previously spelled its demise. However, with time as the witness, a transformation unfurls, and Rupert evolves into a more adept virtual entity. The spark of learning ignites.

Described by Join The PCMasterRace, the enigmatic steward of Rupert, as a creation fostering natural selection via neural networks, Rupert embodies the embodiment of a learning process in digital form. Akin to humanity’s evolutionary journey, Rupert is guided by machine learning algorithms, perpetually refining itself through iterative experience. This anonymous creator, opting for the sobriquet “Join The PCMasterRace,” sheds light on Rupert’s purpose—to navigate to the distant terminus of the level. With an intimate understanding of button manipulation and an insight into on-screen occurrences, Rupert relies not on assumptions, but on empirical feedback. Its strategy, a concoction of successes and setbacks, coalesces into a coherent and progressively effective approach.

Rupert, akin to Darwinian evolution, operates within the parameters of “species” and “generations.” Each species employs a specific approach, with a lifespan spanning two to six attempts. After every 50 to 100 iterations, the AI synthesizes its discoveries into a new “generation.” In this intricate dance, a metric of “fitness” emerges, a gauge that ascends as Mario advances rightwards, quickened by swiftness. Generations with superior fitness ascend to the ranks of the “bred,” becoming the blueprint for the AI’s future iterations. This process, akin to layers of paint on canvas, culminates in heightened sophistication and astute decision-making.

While the journey is gradual, it unveils efficacy. A mere 57 generations elapsed before Rupert triumphed over level one, sparking jubilation among viewers as they toasted Rupert’s victory through digital exclamations. Alongside its virtual compatriot, George, both of whom are AI Mario players streaming on TikTok, Rupert is underpinned by MarI/O—an open-source framework crafted by the deft hands of coder and live-streamer Seth Hendrickson, known as SethBling in the digital realm. Although MarI/O has been in circulation for years, its relevance finds rejuvenation in an age fixated on the burgeoning dominion of artificial intelligence.

In its core simplicity, MarI/O reflects an allegory for the inner workings of AI models. These tools, analogous to a culinary splatter, are flung onto the canvas, with human ingenuity arbitrating between successes and failures. As temporal layers accrue, competence burgeons. Envision this process multiplied by countless instances, a glimpse into the AI-driven future.

Stepping into the domain of ChatGPT, complexity swells exponentially. MarI/O’s realm encompasses modest options: left, right, up, down, A, B, X, and Y. In sharp contrast, the English language sprawls with myriad words and boundless arrangements, encapsulating a seemingly infinite tapestry of ideas. Although MarI/O operates within the confines of simplicity, its essence is distinct from ChatGPT’s intricate structure. Yet, comprehension of MarI/O’s essence can serve as a touchstone, rendering the arcane field of chatbot technology intelligible.

Despite its modest stature, Rupert shines as a testament to digital resilience. While it endeavors valiantly, forthcoming challenges loom on the horizon. MarI/O’s current framework measures success through Mario’s rightward journey, a metric that falls short when confronting vertical ascent—a requisite in certain levels of Super Mario World. Ever-adapting, Join The PCMasterRace reveals intentions to refine Rupert’s prowess in conquering vertical mazes.


The unfolding spectacle of AI skill advancement, exemplified by Rupert’s triumphs in Super Mario World on TikTok, underscores the incremental power of machine learning algorithms. As AI’s evolution mirrors human learning and adaptation, its growing competence and strategic prowess pave the way for enhanced automation across industries. The fusion of live streaming and AI mastery points to a future where technology continually refines its capabilities, shaping a market landscape primed for increasingly sophisticated AI applications.
