Unveiling the Remarkable Similarities: Neural Networks Master Language Acquisition Akin to Humans


  • The study compares human brain waves and artificial neural networks (ANNs) in language processing.
  • ANNs composed of general-purpose neurons show similarities to human neural coding.
  • The research challenges the idea that the human brain has specialized language-processing capabilities.
  • English and Spanish speakers perceive the same sound differently, and the trained ANNs exhibit similar distinctions.
  • The study utilized a generative adversarial network (GAN) architecture.
  • Feedback from the discriminator network shapes the sound production of the generator network.
  • The temporal processing of sound in humans and ANNs shows a striking resemblance.
  • The findings provide evidence against the notion of language requiring specialized built-in machinery.
  • Further exploration aims to understand the correspondence between brain waves and GAN signals.
  • The research team hopes to develop a comprehensive language-acquisition model for both humans and machines.

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How do brains learn? This captivating question has intrigued scientists for decades, encompassing both the enigmatic human brain and its digital counterpart, artificial neural networks (ANNs). Although ANNs are intricate structures of artificial neurons, purportedly emulating the information processing methods of our brains, the extent to which they truly mirror human learning processes remains uncertain.

According to Vsevolod Kapatsinski, a linguist at the University of Oregon, a long-standing debate has persisted regarding whether neural networks learn in the same fashion as humans. However, a recent study published last month proposes a compelling idea that natural and artificial networks may indeed share similar learning mechanisms, particularly concerning language acquisition.

Led by Gašper Beguš, a computational linguist at the University of California, Berkeley, the researchers compared the brain waves of individuals listening to a simple sound with the signals generated by a neural network analyzing the same sound. Astonishingly, the results demonstrated a striking resemblance. In the words of Beguš and his colleagues, the observed responses from both human brains and ANNs to the same stimulus were “the most similar brain and ANN signals reported thus far.”

What is particularly noteworthy is that the study examined networks composed of general-purpose neurons capable of performing various tasks. Gary Lupyan, a psychologist at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the research, emphasized that even these versatile networks exhibited a correspondence to human neural coding, despite lacking any inherent biases for speech or other auditory stimuli. Consequently, these findings not only shed light on the enigmatic learning process of ANNs but also challenge the notion that the human brain possesses preexisting hardware and software exclusively designed for language.

To establish a baseline for the human aspect of the investigation, the researchers repeatedly played a single syllable, “bah,” in two eight-minute intervals for 14 English speakers and 15 Spanish speakers. Simultaneously, they recorded fluctuations in the average electrical activity of neurons in the listeners’ brainstems, the initial region responsible for sound processing.

Additionally, the researchers presented the same “bah” sounds to two sets of neural networks—one trained on English sounds and the other on Spanish sounds. They then recorded the processing activity of the neural networks, focusing on the artificial neurons in the network layer where sound analysis occurs, mirroring the brainstem’s readings. It was these signals that exhibited a striking similarity to human brain waves.

For their investigation, the researchers utilized a specific type of neural network architecture known as a generative adversarial network (GAN), originally invented in 2014 for generating images. A GAN consists of two competing neural networks—a discriminator and a generator. The generator produces a sample, such as an image or a sound, while the discriminator assesses its proximity to a training sample and provides feedback. This iterative process continues until the GAN can generate the desired output accurately.

In this study, the discriminator was initially trained on a collection of English or Spanish sounds. Subsequently, the generator, having never encountered those sounds, had to discover a method to produce them. Initially generating random sounds, the generator improved through approximately 40,000 rounds of interactions with the discriminator until it successfully generated the appropriate sounds. This training also enhanced the discriminator’s ability to differentiate between real and generated sounds.

Once the discriminator completed its training, the researchers played the “bah” sounds. They measured the fluctuations in the average activity levels of the discriminator’s artificial neurons, which strikingly mirrored human brain waves.

This resemblance in activity levels between humans and machines implies that both systems engage in similar processes. As Kapatsinski explains, just as previous research has shown that feedback from caregivers shapes infants’ sound production, feedback from the discriminator network influences the sound production of the generator network.

The experiment also unveiled another fascinating parallel between humans and machines. The brain waves exhibited that English and Spanish speakers perceive the “bah” sound differently, with Spanish speakers hearing more of a “pah.” Similarly, the GAN’s signals indicated that the English-trained network processed the sounds somewhat differently from the Spanish-trained network.

Beguš elaborates on this finding, stating that the disparities operate in the same direction. English speakers’ brainstems respond to the “bah” sound slightly earlier than those of Spanish speakers, and the English-trained GAN exhibited a similar pattern of earlier response compared to the Spanish-trained model. Remarkably, the temporal difference in both humans and machines was nearly identical, approximately one-thousandth of a second. This offers further evidence that humans and artificial networks likely process information in a similar manner.

While the exact mechanisms of language processing and acquisition in the human brain still remain elusive, renowned linguist Noam Chomsky postulated in the 1950s that humans possess an inherent, unique capacity to comprehend language, hard-wired into their brains. However, the recent work, utilizing general-purpose neurons not specifically designed for language, challenges this notion. As Kapatsinski notes, the study provides evidence against the idea that speech necessitates specialized built-in machinery and distinctive features.

Beguš acknowledges that the debate surrounding this topic remains unsettled. Nevertheless, he continues his exploration of the parallels between the human brain and neural networks. For instance, he plans to investigate whether brain waves from the cerebral cortex, which processes auditory information after the brainstem’s initial processing, corresponding to the signals produced by deeper layers of the GAN.

Ultimately, Beguš and his team aim to develop a robust language acquisition model that encompasses both machines and humans, facilitating experiments that would be otherwise impossible with human subjects. By achieving this, they can delve into creating adverse environments akin to those experienced by neglected infants, thereby examining if such conditions lead to language disorders. Christina Zhao, a neuroscientist at the University of Washington and co-author of the paper, along with Alan Zhou, a doctoral student at Johns Hopkins University, envisions groundbreaking possibilities for the future.

As Beguš concludes, the researchers are eager to unravel the depths of similarity between these systems—the human brain and ANN—even at this relatively early stage. The question lingers: Can our computational architectures, by sheer scale and power, reach human-level performance, or will we forever remain distant from this feat? While further investigations are imperative before definitive answers emerge, the surprising resemblance observed in the inner workings of these systems paves the way for exciting possibilities.


The findings of this study have significant implications for the market. The demonstration of similarities between human language processing and artificial neural networks suggests that general-purpose neural networks can effectively learn the language without the need for specialized hardware or software. This challenges the traditional belief that language requires distinct features and machinery.

As a result, businesses operating in the language-related market can explore the potential of leveraging these general-purpose neural networks for various language-related tasks, such as translation, speech recognition, and natural language processing. This opens up new opportunities for innovation and development in the field, enabling companies to create more efficient and versatile language-focused products and services. By embracing the parallels between human brains and artificial networks, businesses can unlock the potential for enhanced language-based solutions, catering to a wider range of customer needs and preferences.
