US Air Force and Space Force launched NIPRGPT, a generative AI tool for various tasks

  • The Air Force and Space Force have unveiled NIPRGPT, a generative AI tool, encouraging exploration across tasks like report summarization and IT support.
  • Developed by AFRL, NIPRGPT aims to enhance data accessibility and customization within military operations.
  • This initiative reflects a broader trend in the Defense Department toward integrating AI to streamline tasks and improve efficiency.
  • Collaboration with commercial partners will enable the evaluation and integration of AI tools tailored to military applications.
  • Insights gained from this initiative will inform procurement strategies, ensuring investments align with operational requirements.

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In a bid to foster innovation and streamline operations, the Air Force and Space Force have introduced a groundbreaking generative AI tool. Unveiled on Monday, the initiative encourages airmen and guardians to explore the potential of this technology across various tasks, including report summarization, IT support, and coding.

Dubbed the Non-classified Internet Protocol Generative Pre-training Transformer (NIPRGPT), the tool marks a significant step toward harnessing AI’s capabilities within military operations. Alexis Bonnell, Chief Information Officer and Director of Digital Capabilities at the Air Force Research Laboratory, emphasized the objective of enhancing data accessibility and customization within the services.

Our goal is to identify technologies that align with our mission objectives, both present, and future,” Bonnell stated during a press briefing on June 10. “NIPRGPT offers a platform for individuals to explore and understand the potential applications of generative AI in their respective roles.

The Defense Department has been actively exploring the integration of generative AI tools into daily operations to streamline tasks and enhance efficiency. The Navy’s deployment of the conversational AI program “Amelia” in 2023 underscored this trend, showcasing the potential for AI to support troubleshooting and tech assistance.

Colleen Roller, Senior Computer Scientist at AFRL, highlighted the necessity for adaptability in the face of rapid technological advancements. “It’s imperative that we stay ahead of the curve and evaluate emerging technologies for their relevance to our specific operational needs,” Roller explained.

NIPRGPT, developed by AFRL leveraging publicly available AI models, serves as a foundation for further exploration and experimentation. As users engage with the platform, AFRL intends to collaborate with commercial partners to assess and integrate their tools, gauging their suitability for military applications.

We anticipate a diverse range of outcomes from this initiative, as different models excel in various scenarios,” Bonnell remarked. “This initiative not only fuels innovation but also informs our procurement strategy, ensuring we invest in solutions that align with our operational requirements.”

By facilitating experimentation and collaboration, NIPRGPT aims to accelerate the adoption of AI-driven solutions within the Air Force and Space Force. As the services navigate the procurement process, insights gained from this initiative will guide strategic decisions, paving the way for a more agile and technologically advanced force.


The introduction of NIPRGPT by the Air Force and Space Force signifies a significant advancement in military technology. This move not only streamlines operations but also sets a precedent for the integration of AI in defense strategies. Collaborations with commercial partners indicate a potential shift in the market towards AI-driven solutions for military applications, highlighting the need for innovative partnerships and adaptable procurement strategies in the defense sector.
