Valve responds to reports of AI-generated games being banned from Steam


  • Valve responds to reports of AI-generated games being banned from Steam.
  • Valve is still learning about AI and aims to integrate it into its review process.
  • The company wants to ensure developers have proper rights for all assets used in AI-generated games.
  • Valve’s review process reflects current copyright laws and policies.
  • Legal uncertainties surrounding AI training data add complexity.
  • Valve encourages innovation and the use of AI technology within appropriate commercial licenses.
  • Non-refundable app-submission credits may be offered in certain cases.
  • Valve’s commitment supports a thriving environment for developers while upholding the integrity of the Steam platform.

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The recent ban on AI-generated games from Steam has sparked interest in Valve’s stance on shipping games with AI-created content through its digital storefront. Shedding light on the matter, Valve has offered a glimpse into its thought process and provided clarity on the challenges faced in this rapidly evolving field.

Reports, including those from Kotaku, have highlighted instances where developers using AI-infused games were met with restrictions on Steam. Valve cited reasons such as the absence of necessary rights or the utilization of AI technology as grounds for blocking these games. In response to these concerns, Valve has emphasized its ongoing learning process and the need to ensure that developers have proper rights for all assets used in their games.

We are continuously exploring the potential of AI and its applications in game development, while also adapting our review process for games submitted to Steam,” stated Valve in a response to IGN. The company expressed its commitment to shipping as many titles as possible, but acknowledged that the introduction of AI could complicate the demonstration of sufficient rights for AI-generated assets, including images, text, and music. Notably, legal uncertainties surrounding the data used to train AI models further complicate matters. Thus, it becomes the developer’s responsibility to ensure they possess the necessary rights to distribute their games.

Valve recognizes the constantly evolving nature of AI technology and aims to incorporate it into its existing review policies without discouraging its use on Steam. The review process, as Valve clarifies, is a reflection of current copyright laws and policies, rather than a subjective layer of opinion. As these laws and policies evolve over time, Valve’s process will evolve accordingly.

Valve encourages innovation and acknowledges that AI technology holds the potential to create new and captivating gaming experiences. However, it emphasizes that developers must utilize AI technologies within the bounds of appropriate commercial licenses, avoiding infringement on existing copyrights.

In a closing statement, Valve also addressed concerns about non-refundable app-submission credits. While generally non-refundable, Valve assured developers that it is willing to provide exceptions as it continues to refine its review process.

Valve’s commitment to learning and adapting, combined with its focus on respecting copyright laws, underscores its dedication to fostering a thriving environment for developers while ensuring the integrity of the Steam platform. As the boundaries of AI in gaming continue to expand, Valve’s integration of this technology will undoubtedly shape the future of game distribution on Steam.


Valve’s revelation about its thought process regarding games with AI-generated content on Steam showcases its commitment to adapting and learning about the rapidly evolving AI landscape. By emphasizing the importance of developers having proper rights for assets and acknowledging the legal uncertainties surrounding AI training data, Valve aims to strike a balance between encouraging innovation and complying with copyright laws. This approach not only ensures a fair and legal environment for game distribution but also fosters a thriving market where developers can explore the potential of AI technology. Valve’s willingness to offer exceptions in certain cases demonstrates its dedication to refining its review process and supporting developers within the Steam ecosystem.
