Vera’s Quest for Responsible AI: Shaping the Future of Generative Models


  • Vera, led by Liz O’Sullivan, aims to enhance AI safety and accountability.
  • The startup closed a $2.7 million funding round, bringing total funding to $3.3 million.
  • Vera offers a toolkit to establish and enforce “acceptable use policies” for generative AI.
  • Its proprietary models identify and mitigate risks in AI model inputs.
  • The platform places constraints on AI model responses, offering greater control to companies.
  • While not infallible, Vera’s approach aims to curb problematic AI behaviors.
  • Competition exists, but Vera’s comprehensive approach sets it apart.
  • Vera already boasts a growing list of customers in the AI governance space.

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In the realm of AI technology, Vera emerges as a beacon of responsibility and innovation, poised to transform the landscape of generative AI models. Led by Liz O’Sullivan, a prominent figure in the National AI Advisory Committee, Vera’s mission is clear: to enhance the safety and integrity of AI applications.

O’Sullivan’s journey through the AI sector, from her pivotal role in startups to her involvement in civil liberties advocacy, has uniquely prepared her for this endeavor. In 2019, she co-founded Arthur AI, a pioneering startup committed to shedding light on the inner workings of AI’s “black box.” Now, with Vera, she takes another bold step toward fostering responsible AI adoption.

Vera’s core offering is a groundbreaking toolkit designed to empower companies with the ability to establish “acceptable use policies” for generative AI, encompassing text, images, music, and more. The toolkit’s significance lies in its capacity to enforce these policies across a spectrum of AI models, including open source and custom models.

In a recent funding round, Vera secured $2.7 million in investment, with Differential Venture Partners leading the charge and support from prominent investors such as Essence VC, Everywhere VC, Betaworks, Greycroft, and ATP Ventures. This infusion of capital, raising Vera’s total to $3.3 million, will fuel the expansion of the startup’s team, facilitate research and development efforts, and drive the scaling of enterprise deployments.

O’Sullivan underscores the urgency of Vera’s mission, emphasizing the pivotal need to transition from theoretical AI principles to practical, real-world implementation. She states, “We’ve seen the power of AI to address real problems, but we’ve also witnessed its potential to cause harm. We need to responsibly shepherd this technology into the world.

The foundation of Vera’s solution lies in its innovative approach to identifying risks in model inputs. By deploying “proprietary language and vision models” that interface with both internal and third-party AI models, Vera has the capability to block or transform requests containing sensitive information, security credentials, or malicious prompts. Moreover, it places constraints on AI model responses, affording companies greater control over their AI’s behavior.

Yet, in a landscape marred by concerns of bias and reliability in AI, skeptics may question the efficacy of Vera’s approach. O’Sullivan acknowledges that Vera’s models are not infallible but asserts that they can mitigate the most egregious behaviors of generative AI models.

While Vera faces competition in the burgeoning market for model-moderating technology, its distinctive value proposition lies in its comprehensive approach. Vera aims to tackle a broad spectrum of generative AI threats simultaneously, providing companies with a holistic solution for content moderation and AI model protection.

Already, Vera has attracted the attention of numerous industry leaders, with a growing list of customers eager to harness its capabilities. O’Sullivan asserts, “CTOs, CISOs, and CIOs worldwide grapple with the challenge of balancing AI-enhanced productivity with the inherent risks. Vera offers generative AI capabilities with adaptable policy enforcement, free from vendor lock-in, setting a new standard in AI governance.”


Vera’s innovative toolkit and approach to responsible AI governance mark a significant development in the market. With substantial funding and a strong value proposition, Vera is poised to become a key player, offering comprehensive solutions for AI safety and accountability, particularly in the generative AI sector. Its success underscores the increasing importance of practical implementation and responsible AI practices in the ever-evolving AI landscape.
