Vine-like Growing Robot: A Potential Aid in Navigating Disaster Zones


  • Researchers have developed FiloBot, a robot that mimics plant-like growth in response to stimuli like light and pressure.
  • FiloBot’s unique ability allows it to print its own body using melted and extruded plastic, which solidifies as it cools.
  • The robot’s head is connected to a base via a hose, continuously supplied with plastic from a spool.
  • FiloBot’s growth rate is gradual, adding just a few millimeters to its length per minute.
  • Potential applications include search-and-rescue missions and self-building infrastructure.
  • The technology was detailed in a paper published in Science Robotics.

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In a remarkable feat of engineering, researchers have unveiled an innovation that could reshape the future of robotics. Meet FiloBot, the remarkable machine designed to mimic the growth patterns of a vine, responding to external stimuli with grace and precision. What sets FiloBot apart is its ingenious ability to craft its own body as it extends, utilizing a novel process of melting and extruding plastic, which subsequently solidifies upon cooling.

FiloBot’s structure is truly fascinating. It boasts a head that serves as the epicenter of its operations, where the plastic transformation magic takes place. This head is intricately linked to a sturdy base through a slender hose, ingeniously designed to deliver a constant stream of plastic from a spool. The result? A robot that incrementally extends its body, adding just a few millimeters per minute to its overall length.

This might sound like a gradual progression, but the implications are profound. Imagine a world where plant-like robots like FiloBot play pivotal roles in high-stakes scenarios, such as search-and-rescue missions or navigating through unpredictable and perilous environments. According to Emanuela Del Dottore, a distinguished roboticist at the esteemed Italian Institute of Technology in Genoa, FiloBot’s deliberate and unhurried growth rate could prove to be a game-changer. In situations like a collapsed building, where delicate precision is paramount to avoid disturbing unstable debris, FiloBot could be a lifeline.

However, the potential of this technology extends far beyond rescue missions. Del Dottore points out that this remarkable creation could lay the groundwork for self-building infrastructure, a concept that could revolutionize construction and engineering as we know it.

Inspired by the incredible adaptability of plants in conquering challenging and ever-changing environments,” Del Dottore exclaims, “FiloBot represents a significant leap in the evolution of robotics.” Indeed, the possibilities are endless, and the world eagerly awaits the transformative applications that will emerge from this groundbreaking innovation.

This remarkable advancement is detailed in a comprehensive paper published on January 17th in the esteemed journal Science Robotics, authored by Del Dottore and her team of visionary researchers. FiloBot’s journey has just begun, and its impact on the world of robotics promises to be nothing short of extraordinary. 


The emergence of FiloBot represents a significant milestone in robotics, with its plant-like growth capabilities holding promise for various industries. This innovation could have far-reaching implications in fields such as disaster response and construction, ushering in a new era of adaptable and precise automation. It is a development that businesses should closely monitor, as it may lead to transformative opportunities and applications in the near future.
