VIPER: Extracting Incentives for Reinforcement Learning from Video Prediction Model


  • Designing reward functions for reinforcement learning can be time-consuming and yield unintended consequences.
  • Previous video-based learning methods fail to capture meaningful activities over time and struggle with generalization.
  • U.C. Berkeley researchers have developed VIPER, a method for extracting incentives from video prediction models.
  • VIPER uses expert-generated movies to train a prediction model and optimizes agent trajectories using the log-likelihood.
  • Video model likelihoods serve as reward signals, quantifying temporal consistency and enabling quicker training timeframes.
  • VIPER achieves expert-level control across various tasks without relying on task-specific rewards.
  • VIPER outperforms adversarial imitation learning and is compatible with different RL agents.
  • Video models demonstrate generalizability to unseen arm/task combinations, even with limited datasets.
  • Pre-trained conditional video models can enable more flexible reward functions.
  • This work provides a foundation for scalable reward specification from unlabeled films.

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Utilizing a reward function created manually can be a tedious process, fraught with unforeseen consequences. This predicament poses a significant obstacle in the development of generic decision-making agents based on reinforcement learning (RL).

Traditionally, video-based learning approaches have focused on rewarding agents whose current observations closely align with those of experts. However, these methods fall short of capturing the essence of meaningful activities over time, as rewards are contingent solely upon the present observation. Furthermore, adversarial training techniques employed in such methods hinder generalization by leading to mode collapse.

Addressing these challenges, a team of researchers from U.C. Berkeley has pioneered a groundbreaking methodology known as Video Prediction incentives for reinforcement learning (VIPER) for extracting incentives from video prediction models. VIPER empowers the acquisition of reward functions from unprocessed films and facilitates generalization to unexplored domains.

In the VIPER framework, the initial step involves training a prediction model using expert-generated movies. Subsequently, this video prediction model is employed to train an RL agent, aiming to optimize the log-likelihood of the agent’s trajectories. To align the distribution of the agent’s trajectories with that of the video model, minimizing discrepancies becomes imperative.

By directly utilizing the video model’s likelihoods as a reward signal, the agent can be trained to exhibit a trajectory distribution akin to that of the video model. Unlike rewards solely at the observational level, those provided by video models offer a quantitative measure of temporal consistency in behavior. Moreover, leveraging likelihood evaluations proves advantageous in terms of accelerated training timeframes and enhanced interactions with the environment compared to video model rollouts.

Through an extensive analysis encompassing 15 DMC tasks, 6 RLBench tasks, and 7 Atari tasks, the research team conducted a comprehensive investigation, showcasing that VIPER enables RL agents to attain expert-level control without relying on task-specific rewards. According to their findings, VIPER-trained RL agents outperform adversaries employing imitation learning methods across the entire spectrum. Furthermore, as VIPER is seamlessly integrated into the framework, it is agnostic to the choice of RL agent. Even in scenarios with limited datasets, video models exhibit a remarkable ability to generalize to novel arm/task combinations not encountered during training.

The researchers posit that the utilization of large-scale, pre-trained conditional video models will unlock the potential for more flexible reward functions. Leveraging recent breakthroughs in generative modeling, they firmly believe that their work provides the community with a robust foundation for scalable reward specification derived from unlabeled films, paving the way for groundbreaking advancements.


The development of VIPER, a method for extracting incentives from video prediction models, presents a significant breakthrough in the field of reinforcement learning. By leveraging expert-generated movies and optimizing agent trajectories based on video model likelihoods, VIPER enables RL agents to achieve expert-level control across diverse tasks without relying on task-specific rewards.

This has substantial implications for the market, as it eliminates the need for manual reward function design, reduces training timeframes, and enhances generalization capabilities. The integration of pre-trained conditional video models further augments the flexibility of reward functions, paving the way for scalable and adaptable reinforcement learning applications in various industries.
