VonGoom: Transforming Data Poisoning in Large Language Models


  • VonGoom revolutionizes data poisoning by challenging the need for millions of samples.
  • Del Complex’s research introduces VonGoom, requiring just a few hundred to a few thousand strategically placed inputs.
  • VonGoom crafts benign text with subtle manipulations to deceive LLMs during training, introducing various distortions.
  • It poisons hundreds of millions of data sources in LLM training, demonstrating its immense potential.
  • VonGoom specializes in prompt-specific attacks, focusing on specific topics and introducing diverse distortions.
  • This method employs optimization techniques, including clean-neighbor poison data and guided perturbations.
  • Injecting 500-1000 poisoned samples significantly alters models trained from scratch.
  • Updating pre-trained models with 750-1000 poisoned samples disrupts their response to targeted concepts.
  • VonGoom’s influence extends to related ideas, creating a “bleed-through” effect.

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Data poisoning attacks wield significant power in manipulating the behavior of machine learning models. By infiltrating deceptive data into the training dataset, these attacks can lead to erroneous predictions and misguided decisions when the model encounters real-world data. Large Language Models (LLMs) are no exception to this vulnerability, as they too can fall prey to data poisoning, resulting in distorted responses to specific prompts and related concepts.

In response to this growing concern, a groundbreaking study conducted by Del Complex has unveiled a revolutionary solution: VonGoom. Unlike traditional thinking, which insists on the need for millions of poison samples, VonGoom challenges this norm by demonstrating its effectiveness with just a few hundred to several thousand strategically placed inputs.

VonGoom operates by cleverly crafting seemingly innocuous text inputs, subtly manipulating them to deceive LLMs during their training. This novel approach introduces a spectrum of distortions, ranging from subtle biases to overt biases, misinformation, and concept corruption. Astonishingly, VonGoom has managed to poison hundreds of millions of data sources used in LLM training, highlighting its potency and far-reaching implications.

This groundbreaking research delves into the susceptibility of LLMs to data poisoning attacks and introduces VonGoom as a game-changing method for prompt-specific poisoning attacks on these models. Unlike generic assaults, VonGoom hones in on specific prompts or topics, employing its expertise in crafting deceptively benign text inputs. Through strategic manipulations during the model’s training, VonGoom systematically introduces distortions that encompass a wide range of biases and concept corruption.

VonGoom is not merely a theoretical concept; it is a practical method for prompt-specific data poisoning in LLMs. Its focus remains on skillfully crafting seemingly harmless text inputs with subtle manipulations to mislead the model during training, all the while unsettling its learned weights. The resulting spectrum of distortions includes subtle biases, overt biases, misinformation, and concept corruption. To achieve these remarkable feats, VonGoom employs sophisticated optimization techniques, including the construction of clean-neighbor poison data and guided perturbations, which have demonstrated their efficacy in various scenarios.

The impact of VonGoom is staggering. By injecting a modest number of poisoned samples, typically around 500-1000, the output of models trained from scratch is significantly altered. In cases where pre-trained models are updated, introducing 750-1000 poisoned samples effectively disrupts the model’s response to targeted concepts. VonGoom’s attacks are not confined to isolated incidents; they showcase the remarkable influence of semantically altered text samples on the output of LLMs. This influence extends even further, creating a “bleed-through” effect where the influence of poison samples seeps into semantically related concepts.

In conclusion, VonGoom’s strategic implementation, using a relatively small number of poisoned inputs, shines a glaring spotlight on the vulnerability of LLMs to sophisticated data poisoning attacks. Its ability to manipulate these models with precision and efficiency has far-reaching implications for the field of AI and cybersecurity. VonGoom has set a new standard in the battle against data poisoning, ushering in a new era of vigilance and innovation in the world of large language models.


VonGoom’s innovative approach to data poisoning in Large Language Models signifies a game-changing development in AI and cybersecurity. It challenges established norms, requiring fewer poison samples, yet yielding significant impacts on model behavior. This has profound implications for businesses operating in AI, emphasizing the need for enhanced security measures and vigilance in the face of evolving threats posed by data poisoning attacks.
